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Corporate Reporting Insights 2024 Surveying FTSE Annual Reports
Recent years certainly confirmed the old adage 'the only constant is change'.  A rapidly evolving and challenging social, economic and political landscape means that to remain resilient businesses need to pivot quickly. Society is looking for business to lead and play its role in driving sustainable development and responding to existential challenges, including climate change, loss of biodiversity and social inclusion and equity. Investors and other stakeholders, including customers, employees and policy makers are looking for companies to be transparent about how they are responding to these priorities and challenges, and governments and regulators are issuing new mandatory corporate reporting requirements. Our Corporate Reporting Insights focus on timely, short and topical observations designed to help you navigate new disclosure requirements, emerging practices, and growing expectations for greater transparency and accountability Explore our reports to discover these trends in corporate reporting.
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Diversity & Inclusion Are companies achieving the targets in the new Listing Rule?
In 2022, the FCA introduced a new Listing Rule for premium and standard listed companies to provide disclosures on board and executive management diversity, reflecting the drive for transparency around social issues. The disclosures were mandatory for December reporters for the first time in 2023. Our survey looks at how the first 30 FTSE 350 December 2023 reporters have met the new Listing Rule requirements, and whether their annual reports reflect the transparency and progress that society and regulators are looking for around board diversity, executive management diversity and how diversity and inclusion are integrated within the business. Read the full report
Key takeaways
  • 67% of companies had met or exceeded the target of 40% of the board being women; 90% had at least one minority ethnic director on the board.
  • 70% of companies had a woman in one of the four senior board positions – unchanged from 2022.
  • Only 73% of companies met the Listing Rule requirement to explain how the diversity data had been gathered.
  • 77% of boards discuss the importance for their business of achieving a diverse board – but 87% explained why workforce diversity and inclusion was important to the business.
  • Actions to take:
  • Assess whether the annual report explains in a clear and consistent way why diversity and inclusion at workforce, executive management, and board level is important to the business.
  • Evaluate the board’s existing approach for building diversity and inclusion into succession planning and board performance reviews and consider how to report transparently in this area.
  • Ensure that all elements of the FCA Listing Rule are included and clearly identifiable:
  • a statement setting out that each of the targets in the Rule have been achieved or a plan to achieve them
  • both mandated tables on sex or gender identity and ethnicity
  • an explanation of how data has been gathered for the board and executive management
  • Climate Transition Plan Disclosures Now and future
    With climate change at the top of global priorities, investors and regulators are calling for greater transparency on companies’ progress and performance against their climate-related commitments and their readiness for climate transition. With the FCA already encouraging listed companies to consider the UK’s Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) disclosure framework and the ISSB’s announcement that it is assuming responsibility for the TPT disclosure framework and related guidance, the focus on high quality transition plan disclosures is likely to remain. Now in its second year, our survey of annual reports looks at the first 50 annual reports issued by FTSE 100 reporters in 2024 and considers how reporting of their transition plans compares to the TCFD recommended disclosures and expected future requirements under UK-endorsed ISSB standards and the TPT disclosure framework. Read the full report
    Key takeaways
  • All companies disclosed one or more climate-related target (up from 98% in 2022) and all indicated the timeframe over which the targets apply (up from 92% in 2022)
  • 60% of companies included information about their plans to transition to a low carbon economy, 34% included ‘some but limited’ information and 6% provided no disclosures (broadly comparable with 2022)
  • 34% of companies provided a cross-reference from their Annual Report to a standalone report described as a transition plan (up from 20% in 2022), with a further 10% stating that one was in development, to be published in 2024 or 2025
  • 22% of companies stated that they had considered the TPT Disclosure Framework when preparing their 2023 disclosures and an additional 18% stated that they intend to produce TPT aligned disclosures going forward (up significantly from 6% and 12% in 2022)
  • 58% clearly identified the board, board member or a board-level committee with oversight and accountability responsibilities for the transition plan (up significantly from 25% in 2022)
  • 86% of companies disclosed long term climate-related targets of 2040 and beyond, with 26% also disclosing interim targets beyond 2030 (up from 80% and 10% in 2022)
  • Actions to take:
  • Establish clear lines of responsibility and reporting for the development, implementation, and monitoring of a transition plan
  • Evaluate existing commitments and transition plans to ensure interim targets are set at appropriate intervals across the full target horizon and clear actions are developed and agreed on how to achieve climate-related targets
  • Get ready for evolving transition plan disclosure requirements:
  • Assess existing disclosures to ensure information is consistent with the TCFD recommended disclosures on transition plans
  • Evaluate the ISSB’s Climate Standard (IFRS S2) and the TPT Disclosure Framework to identify any gaps with future requirements and opportunities to enhance current disclosures
  • Provide clear signposting and cross-referencing to transition plan disclosures
  • Use clearly defined and consistent terminology to describe transition plan information
  • Controls & Assurance A focus on transparency & accountability
    In January 2024, the FRC issued an update to the UK Corporate Governance Code which was focused on improving the transparency and accountability of board oversight of the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control framework. This new focus on risk management and internal control is providing a catalyst for many companies to examine their existing processes and procedures to determine whether they will stand up to additional scrutiny and provide the board with the assurance they need to make a declaration on effectiveness. Our survey looks at how 50 FTSE 350 December 2023 reporters have explained their approach to controls and assurance. Considering whether the disclosures provide adequate transparency of how the board is discharging its responsibilities. Read the full report
    Key takeaways
  • 88% of companies included reference to risk appetite in the strategic report but there was significant variation in the depth and quality of the information provided on how risk appetite is used within the risk management and internal control framework.
  • When describing their control framework, only 44% of companies explained clearly how the three lines of defence model (operational management, internal monitoring, internal audit) operated within their organisation with 24% explaining some aspects and 32% making no reference at all.
  • Description of the board’s oversight of the risk management and internal control framework did not always make it clear which controls had been covered by the board’s monitoring and review activities, with oversight of non-financial reporting controls being particularly unclear:
    Control type Clearly identified as
    part of the monitoring
    and review activities
    Operational 68%
    Compliance 66%
    Financial 78%
    Financial reporting 64%
    Non-financial reporting 30%
  • Ahead of the Code requirement for a formal declaration on the effectiveness of material controls from 2026, 50% of companies provided a positive conclusion on the effectiveness of their risk management and internal control systems; 16% included the attestation required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on controls over financial reporting; a further 20% provided a negative conclusion, and 14% provided no conclusion.
  • 84% of companies explained in the narrative report the nature and level of assurance obtained over different elements of the reporting.
  • 64% of companies acknowledged the new UK Corporate Governance Code with some discussing the actions they are taking to prepare for the new declaration.
  • Only 14% of companies referred to developing an Audit & Assurance Policy.
  • Actions to take:
  • Take the opportunity to review how your organisation identifies, understands and responds to the risks it faces and determines the risk appetite – is risk appetite articulated clearly for use within the framework and are there clear risk indicators which signal whether risk is being kept within the agreed parameters?
  • Review disclosures of the control framework – do they explain how the three lines of defence model is operating and is it clear how the board is discharging its oversight responsibilities?
  • If your organisation included a positive conclusion on the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems in the past, before including similar wording in the next annual report, discuss with management what assurance was obtained to support that conclusion to avoid exposing the board to any liability which could arise from shareholders placing reliance on that statement. Consider whether it would be appropriate to refine the wording of any conclusion.
  • Consider whether there is scope to provide further disclosure on the assurance provided on the key elements of the narrative reporting, e.g., key performance indicators, climate or ESG data etc, such that stakeholders understand the nature and level of that assurance.
  • Get in touch
    Veronica Poole Global IFRS Leader, NSE Head of Accounting and Corporate Reporting
    Email Veronica +44 (0)20 7007 0884 Read biography
    Corinne Sheriff Director
    Email Corinne +44 (0)20 7007 8368 Read biography
    Alison Dundjerovic Director
    Email Alison +44 20 7007 9788 Read biography
    Tracy Gordon Director
    Email Tracy +44 (0)20 7007 3812 Read biography