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An inclusive environment

Cameron’s story

As a consultant in Risk Advisory, Cameron enjoys the collaborative nature of his job at Deloitte. We speak to him about his progress, his hobbies and how he’s been supported to manage his disability.

Has anything surprised you about working at Deloitte?

The aspect of Deloitte that has surprised me the most since working here is how flat the hierarchy is. All my colleagues are so approachable and generous with their time, regardless of what role they have in the firm. I feel as though I can ask anyone my questions, and I always feel comfortable in the open and welcoming environment that Deloitte has created.



What advice would you give to other applicants?

The application process, whilst daunting at times, was enjoyable overall. All of the people that I engaged with throughout the process were very accommodating. In terms of advice, I would strongly recommend that candidates read up as much as they can on the team they are looking to join, as well as Deloitte as an organisation. This preparatory work can help you decide where you feel you fit in best at Deloitte and can go a long way to demonstrate your desire to join the firm.



Tell us about your progression at Deloitte

Working in Risk Advisory at Deloitte, I have largely learnt through doing. There is no substitute for project work when it comes to developing your knowledge and skills in a certain area. Alongside practical experience, I have been able to develop my expertise by asking my colleagues lots of questions. There’s a strong focus on learning here, and we have great access to various training platforms to develop the skills that we personally want to focus on.



How have you been supported so far?

Deloitte has a very open and inclusive culture. I can sometimes have a tendency to panic when I don’t understand a task, but I have found that as soon as I have voiced my concerns, someone is always willing to talk through any misunderstanding that I may have. This collaborative approach goes a long way to reducing any work-related stress that I have.



How does Deloitte foster an inclusive community?

As a candidate with a disability, Deloitte were incredibly accommodating when it came to the reasonable adjustments that I required during the application process. This has continued now that I am a full-time employee, which enables me to work more productively in a way that suits me. For example, the ability to work from home allows me to manage the impacts of my disability more easily. There’s also a number of networks for people at Deloitte, including Workability, a network for employees living with disability, which I am part of.

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