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Insight Driven Organisation (IDO) Survey FY20/21

October 2021

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Data and analytics are helping re-imagine the post-pandemic world, Artificial Intelligence capabilities are scaling, and more in our third Insight Driven Organisation Survey. 



We are pleased to present the results of our third IDO Survey. It represents two major shifts: our results being global, with responses across geographies spanning Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America, and a focus on not just data and analytics, but also AI capabilities. Combined with a year that has changed the world faster and in different ways than ever before, we wanted to understand how our respondents had felt the shift in their data, analytics, and AI capabilities. Did their analytical projects and budgets reduce in priority? How are they able to use analysis and data-driven insights to respond to the challenges of the pandemic? What are their biggest barriers?

Looking ahead

  • This year, many of our respondents have developed great confidence in their data and analytical foundations. Their ‘next step’ is around AI, automation, and successful communication of the impact of their well-established and long-running analytical processes and projects. Understanding the barriers and challenges currently in place in these areas, grasping the opportunities they offer, and recognising the risks — these are what will determine the future of not just analytics and AI functions, but often organisations as a whole. Adanced analytics and AI have massively accelerated the ability to identify patterns in data, and draw deep insights from those patterns.
  • This is combined with the rapid and widespread external disruption over the past year, which has been unnerving for most organisations - even those founded on disruption and change. Digital, data and exponential AI technologies have threatened the status quo, but do also offer the best opportunities to respond to these changes underway. Responding to disruption doesn’t have to involve a ‘big bang’ or all-encompassing solution. Instead, some of the most successful organisations are those who have embedded a culture of innovation, insight and dynamism in their operations.

Deloitte expert viewpoint

This past year has seen huge disruption in the methods in which people and businesses interact, the types of services being delivered, and the channels through which these services are secured. There has been a seismic shift in expectations as customers, as employees and as citizens. External changes as well as
changing business models and services pose significant threats to organisations – but none so risky as ‘do nothing’.

Building on from previous Surveys, this report offers food for thought and aims to highlight common data, analytics and AI capabilities and concerns. Organisations know where they want to be, and the insights in this report will offer new perspectives, help define what new capabilities and fundamental building blocks are required, and structure the way forward in an uncertain world.

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