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Episode 40: Global banking sector stress in 2023

Regulated Radio podcasts

The global banking sector has experienced a period of instability this year. Starting in March, a string of bank failures in the United States and Europe created uncertainty in the market and raised doubts about what would happen next. 

In this episode of Regulated Radio, Scott Martin is joined by Deloitte's Centre for Regulatory Strategy Leads, David Strachan and Irena Gecas-McCarthy, to discuss the period of banking sector stress seen earlier this year, the immediate supervisory response to it, and the regulatory changes we may see emerge in its aftermath.

Key questions:

  • What new risks have emerged in the banking sector this year?
  • What was the root cause of the stress in banking markets this year?
  • What lessons did we learn about the US regulatory and supervisory framework
  • Are bank runs fundamentally different in an age of digital banking?
  • What is the likely response of global banking regulators to these events?

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