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M&A Operations

Attaining the full potential from a transaction

An M&A event provides a one-time opportunity to accelerate how an asset creates and delivers value for its owners.

The single-minded focus of Deloitte’s Value Creation Services team is to improve cash and enhance profits for our clients.

Both Corporate and Private Equity deal professionals are increasingly looking to drive transaction value through improving operational performance and proactively managing operational risk.

Working closely with our other M&A practices, across deals of all shapes and sizes and for both strategic and Private Equity clients, we navigate operational issues and accelerate value execution.

Utilising our global network of over 1,200 specialists and with access to the breadth of Deloitte’s deep functional and sectoral expertise, we ensure you can critically evaluate the operational risks and opportunities that matter, for informed decision making, negotiations, and strategic and financial value realization, at deal speed.

Explore our M&A Operations service offerings

Deloitte’s M&A Operations team can support you on identification, protection and delivery of operational value—during and after a transaction.

Concerned about operational unknowns of a potential target?

Understand a target’s real-word capabilities, performance, perimeter inclusions, concerns and potential.


  • Sets out an overview of operations, performance, and asset perimeters
  • Provides comfort on cost-base, investment and operational improvement plans via primary diligence and benchmarking
  • Includes alignment with commercial, financial and technology findings
  • Identifies and synthesizes operational, financial and cost implications of the deal

Looking to maximise value from an acquisition?

Realize the full potential underpinning management’s plans, gain incremental insight on operational opportunities and accelerate delivery.


  • Clarity on key operational assumptions underpinning forecasts
  • Potential negotiation points around risks in forecast costs and investments
  • Financial and operational benchmarking utilising data from thousands of companies
  • Additional upsides to management plans to enhance potential offers
  • Accelerated delivery of opportunities in the first 100 days

Worried about achieving the greatest value from an integration?

We can assist you in developing and validating the plan, focusing on key areas such as baselining, one-off costs, planning and phasing.


  • Independent validation of identified synergies and timings to support deal valuation and integration planning
  • Identification and quantification of synergy opportunities, benchmarking, implementation planning and execution/tracking
  • A robust approach regularly used to support external communications

Looking to carve-out a division or business unit?

Providing you with insights around the target’s standalone cost base and complexity of separation.


  • Documented separation challenges and risks to consider during negotiations and advance planning
  • Quantified sensitivities to standalone costs
  • Assessment and benchmarking of one-off separation costs
  • Transitional Services Agreement (TSA) preparation from the vendor
  • Deeper understanding of separation risks

Preparing to sell an asset?

Providing you with an external perspective and challenge on the groundwork, as well as bringing experience and bandwidth during the preparation process to maximise sale value.


  • Improved exit readiness, with consistent and clear information for buyers
  • Value and upsides—across Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization (EBITDA) and cash—identified and articulated for buyers
  • Clarity for buyers and maximised deal tension between competing bidders
  • Reduced management time demands and consistent view of the world

Factoring ESG risks and opportunities into your M&A approach?

Providing you with a sophisticated M&A value lens that goes beyond the traditional compliance approach and identifies quantifiable ESG value.


  • Identified ESG levers for risk mitigation and positive value creation
  • Implementation plan for acquirers to implement and realise identified value
  • Exit readiness through ESG optimisation and strong, credible ESG leadership

Value Creation Services

Think boldly, then deliver

Deloitte firms' Value Creation Services are predicated on the rapid identification, planning and implementation of prioritised performance improvement initiatives that will improve cash and enhance profits.