Closing Tax Year in Poland - CIT key issues for international tax managers


Closing Tax Year in Poland - CIT key issues for international tax managers

The goal of this webinar is to shortly present the most crucial CIT topics in Poland to international tax managers. As a result one should have basic knowledge on those topics and know what further actions shall be taken in Poland.

Recording from the webinar (24 January 2024)

Polish tax provisions concerning CIT are quite often complicated, rapidly changing and challenging in interpretation. Due to that demanding circumstances for tax managers, we would like to invite you to participate in our short webinar for Group Tax Managers and all other experts who deal with Polish taxes on more general grounds.

The goal of this webcast would be to discuss from the wider, yet practical, perspective the most important CIT topics arising in Poland.

Topics that are going to be presented are:

1. WHT– important issues

We will discuss new approach presented by Ministry of Finance and Polish tax authorities / administrative courts to the topic of WHT benefits’ application in Poland (lower rates, non-taxation and, especially, exemptions).

The mentioned outlook is very controversial and may have practical implications on the Polish tax remitters’ right to apply WHT exemptions. We will also present the ways to secure tax remitter’s WHT position in Poland and practical implications of the possible solutions in this respect.

2. Minimum income tax (regulations different from Pillar 2)

From the beginning of 2024, the so-called 'minimum tax' provisions will come into force. This tax is intended to reduce the 'foreign CIT gap', which arises through the transfer of profits to other countries. In case where Polish entities will generate tax loss or will achieve low profitability (below 2%) in the given tax year, additional tax will be due in Poland.

There are 2 options for calculating the minimum income tax from which the taxpayers can choose from. This will also be covered during our discussions.

3. Tax on shifted profits

The regulation on the tax on shifted profits introduced the obligation to pay an additional tax in the amount of 19% of the tax base (separate from CIT settled under general rules) in case of certain type of so-called passive payments made by a Polish tax resident to a foreign related entity, which constitute tax deductible costs of the Polish taxpayer.

During our webcast we will discuss types of payments that are covered by those regulations, their application in practice and doubts that arise in this respect. This topic is especially important when Polish entity pays for royalties, intangible services or interest.

4. ATAD2 (hybrid mismatches)

Regulations of ATAD2 in Poland forces Polish CIT taxpayer in certain situations to exclude from tax deductible costs expenses which generates so called: (i) double deductions, or (ii) deductions without inclusion. We will discuss shortly the practical approach to those provisions in Poland and indicate situation where further analysis should be executed in order to secure the tax deductibility.

Our webcast would be condensed, informative and to the point, therefore we plan that it shall last no longer than 1h.

The language of the presentation and discussion is English. Participation in the webcast is free of charge.


Recording from the webinar (24 January 2024) 

Aleksandra Sienkiewicz

Watch the recording
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