Applications are open for the sixth round of the Wage Subsidy
The sixth round of the Wage Subsidy opened for applications on 29 October 2021, and will remain open until 11 November 2021. The revenue decline test period under this round needs to be measured over the 14-day consecutive period from 26 October 2021 to 8 November 2021. All other eligibility criteria remain unchanged from the previous round.
Resurgence Support Payment Scheme updates
To date, the Government has made four payments available for the August 2021 activation of the COVID-19 Resurgence Support Payment (RSP). On 2 November the Inland Revenue announced a change to the application period for the first three payments. The required revenue decline test period and the deadline of making an application for each payment are summarised below:
Further, on 22 October 2021 the Minister of Finance Hon Grant Robertson announced the Government will increase the amount and frequency of the RSP. After the fourth grant payment, the RSP will increase to a fortnightly payment of $3,000 per eligible business and $800 per FTE, up to 50 FTEs or NZD43,000. The first RSP under these changes will open for application on 12 November 2021. Other eligibility criteria remain unchanged. A Deloitte article has covered more information on the update of the Scheme.
$60m fund for business advice and mental health support
The second element of the Business Boost announced on 22 October 2021 by the Minister of Finance is a $60m fund for business advice and mental health support in Auckland. Through the Regional Business Partner Network businesses will be able to apply for grants of up to $3,000 worth of advice and planning support and then up to additional $4,000 to implement that advice. Grants are not required to have a matching contribution from businesses. Ten million dollars is being provided for mental health and wellbeing support to small businesses. This will be delivered through a programme being developed with the EMA and Auckland Business Chamber of Commerce.
Additional business support under the new COVID-19 protection framework
Also on 22 October 2021, the Minister of Finance advised that Cabinet had made in-principle decisions on financial support which will become available when the new COVID-19 Protection Framework takes effect, The Minister will take a paper to the Cabinet in November confirming the details of the support, and any other outstanding decisions relating to the transition. An overview of the proposed support plan has been provided as follows: