DeloitteRESOLVE is a solution created by Deloitte to help organisations monitor staff exposure, build a risk profile and create an internal information forum as a component of their emergency response plan.
Tracking travel, public exposure, personal health, interactions with infected persons are key functions of DeloitteRESOLVE. The DeloitteRESOLVE portal can also supply critical information to staff such as policies, procedures and news as they team to respond to emergency situations.
DeloitteRESOLVE for emergency response is being offered to our ServiceNow clients for free to help them manage a coordinated and robust emergency response. We are also using this within Deloitte NZ and within some of our member firms overseas.
All users have access to a portal where users can:
Update travel - Users use this form to record where and how they plan to travel. This includes travel both for work and for personal reasons. This allows management to track who has been where, and how they travelled, in order to track any interactions with potential risk areas or people and put appropriate quarantine measures in place.
Record events - Event organisers or attendees can use this form to track which events they are hosting and attending with the ability to attach a list of attendees where known so that management teams can track who will be in attendance in case someone exhibits symptoms during or after the event.
Report feeling unwell - This form can be used by staff who are exhibiting any symptoms of feeling unwell and outline the actions they have taken to prevent others from coming into contact. This is so that appropriate support can be offered and management teams can limit that person’s contact with colleagues, clients and customers.
Report interactions - Staff members use this form to report any interactions they might have had (from close to casual contact) with a person who may be unwell.
Seek information - On this page management teams can post regular information from the Ministry of Health as well as internal policies and procedures that are relevant to an emergency response. This will also contain knowledge articles (such as step-by-step guides) to help staff complete the required information.
Discuss with your community - This area can be used by staff to post any questions or concerns in order to share ideas with colleagues and enable management teams to provide a formal response to any frequently asked questions.
Log working status - This area can be used to track daily whether team members are working or taking leave, where team members are working and what they need from the organisation in order to be effective.
The benefits
Pre-populated bank of knowledge material based on Deloitte best practice (such as tips for managing remote teams and resilient leadership) and based on the evidence-based information provided by key and trustworthy sources such as the World Health Organisation.
People-focused response by providing one-source of truth in accessing information and a community board to encourage collaboration, discussion and support.
A standard set of reporting dashboards based on what our own internal teams have told us they want to see – i.e. any design elements have been carefully constructed in consultation with both our internal and our external clients.
Certified on the ServiceNow Store, meaning that support will be provided at any time by ServiceNow.
Free access to the tool, reducing barriers to implementation for organisations who need to move quickly in order to respond to emergency situations.
Consolidation of multiple support use cases in one portal to make it easier for staff.
DeloitteRESOLVE for Health Operations
DeloitteRESOLVE is a scoped ServiceNow application. DeloitteRESOLVE’s Health Operations suite of use cases relate to the enablement and streamlining of the movement of tasks and assets specifically in a hospital context. It allows staff to access requests in real-time through the intuitive mobile interface, move the requests through workflows and assign requests to different users.
The mobile interface has been optimised to work in a hospital context, using low bandwidth and able to function completely offline. This streamlined approach to making and responding to requests eliminates waste and improves response times within the hospital.
Building upon recent ServiceNow implementations in several New Zealand hospitals, this solution increases visibility and the access to real-time data enables the ability to forecast scheduling requirements and track response times. It reduces the reliance on complex manual systems and allows hospitals to operate more smoothly, safely and with greater staff and patient satisfaction.
Key features
Self-service requests – medical or nursing staff can make requests for support services through a user friendly online form found on the ServiceNow portal.
Workflow routing – requests are routed to a centralised function that allocates the job to the nearest and most relevant person.
Mobile enabled – health workers enable and respond to requests through the intuitive mobile app, which provides the person carrying out the request with all the information they need at their fingertips.
Operations management – management have full visibility of the types of requests, volume of demand and fulfilment times, which can be used to make data-driven decisions.
Equipment management – ability to scan, update, and raise tickets as equipment is moved around the hospital.