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Strategic Workforce Planning

Aligning an organisation's talent needs with its long-term strategic priorities – ensuring the right people with the right skills are in the right place to drive organisational value.

Clients are asking what skills do your employees need and where should you deploy them? How will automation disrupt our workforce? What capabilities gaps exist across the workforce?

Workforce planning enables organisations to deliver a fit for future workforce, using data-driven insights to identify potential workforce gaps, determine how best to retain the workforce and gain ROI on learning spend.

Strategic Workforce Planning:

  • Defines capabilities requirements per role,
  • Identifies a clear understanding of the workforce’s capability gaps (at the percentage level),
  • Enables targeted learning and development,
  • Establishes transparent capability requirements per role,
  • Creates a simplistic and capability driven role architecture which drives greater workforce flexibility and mobility,
  • Identifies data-driven career pathways which provide employees with a transparent view of conventional and unconventional progression opportunities and,
  • Modelling of workforce supply and demand over a 3-5 year period.

Why is Strategic Workforce Planning needed?

Reimagining work, future of workforce and workplace

Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the future of work is here. As increasing connectivity, robotics and cognitive tools change the nature of work, many of the new talent models and the gig economy are reinventing jobs. Now is the time to reimagine why, where and how work gets done—to unleash the energy and endless possibilities of human potential.