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2023 Global Human Capital Trends

New fundamentals for a boundaryless world

Read 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report

The boundaries that were once assumed to be the natural order of things are falling away as disruption and discontinuity challenge traditional models and assumptions about work. Organisations and workers must traverse this new landscape together, calling on a new set of fundamentals to navigate the boundaryless world.

In a boundaryless world, work isn’t defined by jobs, the workplace isn’t a specific place, and many workers aren’t traditional employees. Those who partner with workers and experiment with what’s possible will create sustainable work models and elevated outcomes—making work better for humans and humans better at work.

The 2023 report polled 10,000 business and HR leaders across all industries, with 105 participating countries, including over 60 responses from New Zealand-based managers and senior leaders. The survey data is complemented by interviews with executives from some of today’s leading global organisations. Their insights shaped the trends in this report.

A New Zealand perspective


Some key findingsof the 2023 survey:

  • Over 95% of respondents consider an increase in worker influence and choice to be important or very important to the success of their organisation
  • 76.19% of respondents said that their organisation is ready or very ready to embed DEI into everyday ways of working while measuring outcomes
  • 64.28% of respondents said that their organisation is ready or very ready to anticipate and consider broader societal and environmental risks when making workforce decisions
  • 83.33% of respondents agree or strongly agree that their organisation retains high performers
  • 30.43% of respondents said that technology replacing humans was expected to be the human risk with the greatest impact on their workforce in the next 2-4 years

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