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The turning point

A Global Summary

Time is running out to act on climate change. But rather than climate action being a drain on our economy, our report shows it will significantly boost GDP and accelerate phenomenal growth in both New Zealand and Asia Pacific as a whole.

New Zealand stands to benefit from a US$47 trillion prize in Asia Pacific, our economic modelling reveals. But it’s only if the region decarbonises at pace and scale to prevent a US$96 trillion loss in the next 50 years.

With decarbonisation acting as a new economic engine, Asia Pacific and New Zealand play a key role in providing the skills, technology, innovation, and finance for this global transformation. There is a window of opportunity to lead the way by seeing climate action not as a cost, but an extraordinary possibility for growth in New Zealand and the region.

But we can only achieve this if we work together and act now - we are at a turning point.

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