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New Zealand Water Services

Navigating the path ahead for New Zealand’s water services

The landscape of water services in New Zealand presents both challenges and opportunities for local governments. Rising costs and capital pressures, service level complexities, and capacity constraints are just a few of the hurdles Aotearoa face. 

At Deloitte, we understand these challenges and are committed to assisting local governments in determining the most effective ownership and delivery structures to ensure secure and safe water services for all New Zealanders.

Our experts stand ready to guide you through the transformational road ahead as you consider the key choices that must be made:

  • What delivery form and function best suit your future needs?
  • How can you effectively engage stakeholders in the process of change?
  • What level of asset data is available to inform planning and investment decisions?
  • How can you optimise data and asset condition information?
  • How will you manage infrastructure delivery amidst mounting pressures and constraints?
  • Do you have the necessary specialists and leaders to execute your work programmes?
  • Have you explored alternative funding models to support ongoing infrastructure investment?
  • What implications will new operating and delivery arrangements have on your existing asset base?
  • How will changes in processes be overseen and controlled?
  • Will these changes affect your capacity to fulfil proposed regulatory requirements and maintain service level standards? 

Drawing upon our extensive experience in sector reform, organisational transformation, financial management, and technology-enabled change, we can assist you to confidently embrace the future of water services in New Zealand.

Read the working waters report

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