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Virtual agent DEX: for all data exchange questions

Deloitte's Data Exchange

DEX (Deloitte’s Data Exchange) is a virtual agent that makes compliance-related work easier and more efficient using three components: Q&A and dialogues on laws and regulation, referral to the appropriate expert, and insights, knowledge and accountability.

Due to technological innovations (medical devices, apps, pills, plasters, etc.) more and more data is collected by healthcare organizations, and also by individuals (wearables, wellness devices, etc).

The growing possibilities with data and thus the growing demand for data, the complexity of legislation and regulations and the stricter supervision thereof, make the correct and compliant exchange of data an ever greater challenge. (Legal) professionals are unable to process the large volumes of requests and deploying more professionals does not seem to be the solution. After all, this is costly and suitable legal professionals are scarce. Even care providers, who in most cases do not have legal training, have to work their way through this complex material. That takes time. Time that could be better spent providing good care.

DEX (Deloitte’s Data Exchange) is a virtual agent that makes compliance-related work easier and more efficient. DEX is based on cognitive technologies (a combination of robot process automation, cognitive automation and artificial intelligence). With the use of these technologies, virtual agent DEX can deal perfectly with the simple and repetitive tasks within the data exchange process.  Offering a virtual agent that addresses the most common questions takes the burden off legal professionals.

Please contact us if you want to have more information or download our onepager.