Trust is the driving force behind all things that seem to happen effortlessly that the car will start and the tram will run. That colleagues report on time for the meeting. Without trust, processes become blocked. If this happens on a large scale, a lot will go wrong in society.
This white paper discusses the vicious circle of mistrust — and how we can break free from it from a government's point of view. How a human approach can help restore trust and which issues play a role in this.
Because no matter how important institutions, laws, and procedures are, ultimately it’s about people and relationships. That’s why the human approach is an indispensable norm in everything we do.
There is a significant challenge ahead. Governments must lead by example. We need to be bold enough to extend trust before we receive it. Along the way, many obstacles will need to be overcome. However, the good news is that no one has to face this task alone. Restoring trust is only possible through collective effort.
In one thing, we have full confidence: the human approach may be modest — the result is great.
Download our whitepaper for in-depth insights into restoring trust and the crucial role of a human approach.