As your organisation begins to embark on a journey to develop and mature blockchain-related applications, it is important to consider and develop a risk mitigation strategy for underlying risks. Through our Blockchain assurance services we can help you address financial, technology, operational and regulatory risks related to blockchain and the crypto space. We position our self as a trusted, unbiased third party that can perform these assurance functions to allay concerns of public, partners, and stakeholders.
Regulatory compliance
Systems Audit Type I & II in line with Virtual Financial Assets Act (VFA) & Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services Act (ITAs) based upon the ISAE3000 framework.
Technical assurance - Agreed upon procedures
- Smart contract reviewAssessment of the smart contract source code to etermine whether the code is robust, resistant to commonly known vulnerabilities and implements exclusively the actions/properties that it was designed for.
Key management review
Assessment of the security aspects around the cryptographic solutions and public/private key management in use by the entity.
- Transaction monitoring
Comprehensive analysis of transactions In/Out of Wallets to provide assurance that the funds are utilised as expected and of the rate in use when exchanged for FIAT or other cryptos. Conventional cryptos are monitored and traced using public sources or independent Deloitte nodes. - Proof of ownership
A method that uses public and private key technology that confirms the ownership/control of electronic wallets and the stored virtual financial assets at a specific moment in time. - Proof of origin (source of wealth)
For each provided address wallet, we will verify that the transactions in relation of acquisition/holding of crypto assets positions with FIAT currency is consistent with supporting evidence. All the above listed Agreed Upon Procedure (AuP) engagements will be conducted in line with the requirements of ISRS 4400 (International Standard on Related Services 4400).