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The Graduate Journey

Our Graduate Journey outlines the development and support offered to an Associates and Analysts during their first three years with Deloitte when joining Audit, Tax, Risk Advisory and Financial Advisory.

At Deloitte, we aim to grow leaders for the future, build world-class capabilities for maximum client impact, and consistently deliver an exceptional development experience to our people.

The Deloitte learning approach is strongly influenced by the 70/20/10 model of learning whereby 70% of your learning occurs ‘on the job’ and represents the work challenges, opportunities and successes/failures that are experienced daily. The 20% refers to the engagement you will have with your immediate colleagues, managers, clients and the wider firm, with 10% of learning resulting from formal structured programmes and a range of online learning resources. Find out more about our learning approach.

In order to be effective, it is important development consists of a combination of activities over time covering professional, leadership, technical and industry capabilities.

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