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The future of legal work?

The use of Generative AI by legal departments

Our perspectives and the results from our Generative AI survey for corporate legal departments.

Exploring the potential of Generative AI in legal services

Despite the transformative promise of ‘legal tech’ over recent years, the work of the legal function has remained largely unchanged and legal technology solutions have delivered only incremental improvement. At Deloitte Legal, we believe that Generative AI has the potential to drive genuine, sustainable change in the way legal services are received and delivered.

We conducted a survey to gather our clients' views on Generative AI, including its benefits, barriers to adoption, and impact on the legal ecosystem. The survey involved senior legal leadership from 43 of our largest clients. The executive summary presents the key findings, while the full report includes our market insights and perspectives on the future of legal work and the legal industry.

Download the executive summary

Download the full report


say Generative AI will have a moderate to significant long-term impact on how legal work is performed


cite efficiency and productivity gains as the biggest expected benefit


expect adoption of Generative AI in legal in the next 2-3 years


barrier to Generative AI adoption is financial and resource limitations

Our thinking

The future of legal work?

Find out more about the potential of Generative AI in transforming legal services, its benefits, the challenges in adoption, and the need for legal departments to prepare for its integration