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The world remade by COVID-19 for travel and hospitality

Planning scenarios for the “next normal”

How will the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate or redirect the global travel and hospitality industry over the next three to five years? How can we help prepare our clients? Explore “The World Remade: Travel and Hospitality Scenarios” and discover potential implications to the industry across the scenarios in order to help plan for long-term success for your people, business, and society.

Uncovering the four scenarios for resilient leaders

In the wake of COVID-19, Deloitte and Salesforce hosted a dialogue among some of the world's best-known scenario thinkers to consider the potential societal and business impact of the pandemic. The results of this collaboration can be found in The World Remade by COVID-19: Scenarios for Resilient Leaders”.

This report is intended to help travel and hospitality industry leaders understand potential implications on the industry across the scenarios in order to help plan for sustainable success.

Although, we are in uncharted waters, scenario thinking can help leaders prepare for a future no one can predict and clarify the potential implications of their choices.  

Uncovering the four scenarios for resilient leaders

We face a global crisis unlike any we have known. Normal life has stopped for more than a billion people around the world. Eventually, though, the crisis will end, and life will return to “normal.” But what if it’s not like before?

The four scenarios provide leaders with the opportunity to plan albeit the unpredictable nature of the future. Clients can examine how the COVID-19 pandemic could accelerate or redirect the global travel and hospitality industry over the next three to five years.

As you read this report, challenge yourself to imagine how the things you were sure would happen could now be on a different course. Avoid the temptation to conclude that the crisis will accelerate the changes you already expected or believed were inevitable.

This PDF will spark several questions around implications and next steps for your organization. Download the full report.


The scenarios discussed in the report emerged based on current trends and critical uncertainties. They are summarized below. Download the attached PDF for a detailed view of the implications of each scenario.

These scenarios illustrate potential long term implications for the broader travel environment and the companies that operate within it

Keep in mind that these scenarios suggest possible industry outcomes as the COVID-19 crisis evolves. Although it’s too early to tell what the “next normal” will look like, resilient leaders are preparing now to take advantage of new opportunities and mitigate hidden risks.

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