Rikke Beckmann Danielsen is a Denmark-based partner in Corporate Finance Advisory, leading her local Public Sector and Infrastructure team. Rikke is primarily focused on Financial Advisory work related to the preparation and implementation of real estate, infrastructure, and Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects. Over her 12-year tenure with Deloitte, she has advised many Government & Public Service (GPS) clients including; the Danish Government, the Government of Greenland, public clients in Iceland, Danish municipalities, and regions. Rikke is also experienced with delivering financial advisory services to private companies, developers, entrepreneurs, operators, pension funds and infrastructure funds in the public bidding process. Furthermore, Rikke has carried out several projects that focus on developing integrated business models and solutions between the public and private sectors. (The advice has mainly focused on financial conditions.) In 2021, due to her extensive expertise working with Government clients, and strong leadership in the GPS space throughout the Nordics, Rikke was appointed the Global Financial Advisory GPS Leader as well as the Global Infrastructure Advisory Leader for Deloitte NSE. As one of two current Female Global Industry and Global Infrastructure Executive Leaders, and in support of gender equity Rikke shines a light for aspiring fellow women in the Infrastructure space at Deloitte. From a learning and development standpoint, Rikke has been an active participant in Deloitte’s next generation talent in the Infrastructure & Capital Projects (I&CP)sector. For several years, she has acted as an inspirational course facilitator for the I&CP program at Deloitte University Europe, delivering and sharing knowledge on market best practice.