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Paul Riley

Deloitte Global Leader | Transfer Pricing

Paul Riley is Deloitte Global’s Transfer Pricing (TP) leader & a TP partner in the Tax & Legal practice in Australia. Paul has over 35 years of experience, including ten years with the Australian Taxation Office and 25 years in public practice, with experience serving clients throughout Australia, Asia Pacific and the US. Paul spent two years with Deloitte’s US Transfer Pricing team in its Los Angeles office, working with US multinational companies on a variety of transfer pricing assignments.

In his global transfer pricing role, Paul is responsible for overseeing Deloitte’s global transfer pricing strategy. He is Chair of the Tax & Legal Transfer Pricing Leadership Executive and is an executive member of Deloitte’s transfer pricing global deal review board and Deloitte’s TP COVID-19 initiative. An important focus of his leadership is that Deloitte listens and understands the nuances of a clients’ organization, provides the clarity needed in light of the changing international tax landscape for the business to succeed, promotes consistency that is now critical with increase in transparency by adopting globally consistent documentation processes and provides the tax function the confidence to add value to the organisation.

Paul holds a Master’s of Taxation from the University of New South Wales and a Bachelor of Business (Accounting). He is a member of CPA Australia, a fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, and member of the Australian and American Chambers of Commerce.