Dr. Freedom-Kai Phillips, BSc honors (E. Michigan), MA (Seton Hall), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Ottawa), PhD (Cambridge) is Director of the Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress (DCSP).
In addition, Dr. Phillips is a Legal Research Fellow with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, and a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.
Dr. Phillips previously served as Senior Research Associate with the International Law Research Program at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Interim Director of the Centre for Law Technology and Society at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, and Legal Researcher for the Ramsar Convention Secretariat.
His research focuses on market mechanisms, ocean climate interfaces, carbon offsetting and renewable energy promotion, and legal measures to support achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Widely published, Dr. Phillips has contributed to several books and journals with leading publishers including Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Springer, and Routledge.