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The future of sports venues is contactless

Stadium technology is helping enable a safer and smarter fan experience

As fans return to sports venues, what will the future of fan experiences look like? Follow along during a fan’s journey to see how technology can help create a safer experience that also opens up more opportunities for customization and engagement.

A new reality for sports fans and venues alike

How can venue operators use technology to create a safe and largely contactless environment for fans—all while creating customized marketing opportunities? Follow Carl, an avid sports fan, on his journey from purchasing tickets digitally through postgame engagement to see how technology can create a safe and fan-friendly experience.

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Elevating the fan experience

By combining data storage and management, analytics, and marketing capabilities, Deloitte can help you create a complete view of the fan that enables both an elevated fan experience—both inside and outside the venue—as well as the ability to increase revenues in a number of ways. An integrated and connected venue can give stadium owners/operators the ability to provide customized offers to fans based on their habits and preferences, leverage digital signage and digital advertisements in a more targeted way, and monetize fan insights with key partners across the venue and team ecosystems.



How can you create a safe, digitally enabled environment for fans? Contact us to learn more.

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