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Meet Dieter Trimmel

Partner, Deloitte Germany

Faces of Deloitte TMT is a series of articles exploring the personal histories of our practitioners, sharing the key experiences that defined their values and exploring why they do what they do. In this interview, Dieter talks about his extensive career in the telecom sector, emphasizing the value of working with Deloitte on end-to-end transformation projects.

You might say that Monitor Deloitte strategy consultant Dieter Trimmel, a Deloitte Germany partner, is hard-wired for the telecom sector. Apart from a brief stint in the pulp and paper sector, Dieter, who’s based in Munich, has spent his entire career serving telecom from all sides. Dieter is an industrial engineer by training and has always been drawn to the world of technology.

Prior to joining Deloitte four years ago, he worked in digital business and group strategy and also spent time focused on organizations within the TMT industry at a strategy consulting organization. He says that working at Deloitte has made him appreciate the value and impact that multidisciplinary professional services organizations can deliver to their clients. “I always found end-to-end transformation stories compelling,” he says. “Now, being part of Deloitte, where I work on those kinds of projects, I can attest that coming here was the right decision for me.”

Working in strategy, he says, helped him see what was right and what needed to change for a client. “That’s (strategy) always been engrained in my DNA,” he says. Now, after doing the initial analysis, he’s eager to work alongside a client to bring the strategy to life, something, he says, Deloitte excels at: “There are so many downstream competencies and services that the organization can bring to life for a client that makes this work so exciting.”

Dieter has lived most of his life in and around Vienna, Austria, but over the years has worked across Europe and in the Middle East, India, Russia, and in the United States. These experiences have deeply enriched his career. Reflecting on his experience, he said, “It’s been super exciting because it’s given me a broader perspective on the industry, and I have a great network in the Middle East and India now.”

Dieter enjoys the combination of major transformation projects, which can take many months, if not years. Drawing upon this valuable experience, he adeptly navigates complex challenges, employing a strategic mindset to provide impactful solutions for his clients. “These are the things that show we’re at the leading edge of what’s happening in the industry.”

One of his recent projects was for a new fiber venture that was looking to scale-up and needed help determining growth opportunities. This involved developing a detailed business plan, understanding current industry dynamics, and developing a case for a client’s investment committee.  In another engagement, he spent five years on a major business transformation which resulted in a significant renewal of his client’s IT landscape. It’s this broad spectrum of topics that he finds so exciting.

The son of a pilot, Dieter jokes that he was “basically raised on an airfield” and began flying sailplanes very early. While he’s had to give up flying himself, he still follows the sport passionately.

Why TMT?

Dieter particularly likes the fast pace of the TMT industry. “Understanding how technology can change the way we live has always intrigued me,” he says. He’s also fascinated by the economics of technical networks and says that working with companies as they move from 3G to 4G and now 5G technologies has given him a deep understanding of how those network economies work. Having four years in an operational role in the industry also helped him understand it from the inside-out and the outside-in. “I understand the workings of an [IT network] operator and how many IT companies really function,” he says, “and this is something that is of tremendous help to me as I work with clients now.” He believes his industry experience this has given him a good understanding of how business decisions are made. “This understanding enriches my job and is hopefully passed on to my Deloitte colleagues and the clients they serve,” he says, adding that by “truly understanding a client’s issues, we can bring the strengths and experiences of Deloitte professionals together to come up with unique, bespoke solutions.”

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