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Tax credit for green investments

Finland to promote investments, decisions to be made by the end of 2025

The Finnish Government is preparing to adopt a tax credit for large-scale industrial investments that support the transition to a net zero economy.

Applicable investments would be, for example, investments in battery and hydrogen projects and fossil-fuel free steel industry. The goal is to get large-scale, electricity-intensive industrial investments off the ground and to support the creation of an industrial ecosystem for the clean transition in Finland.

Details are yet to be confirmed, but based on current information the tax credit would be temporary, and it would concern new investments for which a decision is made by the end of 2025. The preliminary plan is that a tax credit could be obtained for 20 percent of the amount of the investment. However, maximum credit for one investment would be 150 million euros.

The tax credit targets only profitable business since the tax credit would be deductible from the payable amount of corporate income taxes. In further governmental preparation the period during which the credit is available is yet to be decided. The tax credit could be deducted from the corporate tax payable from 2028 at the earliest.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government has agreed on the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2025–2028 on Tuesday April 16, 2024. The tax measures are decided to promote investments as part of an economic growth package.

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