Podcastissa Deloitten Lari Hintsanen keskustelee alan johtavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa siitä, miten resilienssi ilmenee ihmisissä, organisaatiossa ja yhteiskunnassa – ja miten sitä voidaan rakentaa.
Podcastin vieraina ovat muun muassa Timo Ritakallio, Christina Dahlblom, Annastiina Hintsa ja Nina Nissilä
What tangible value can cloud solutions truly deliver, and how can a cloud transformation project be executed with optimal efficiency?
In the new podcast mini-series, 'Cloud unleashed', Deloitte's cloud and financial services industry professionals Lilli Saarinen and Jaakko Kontiainen discuss this as they explore the untapped potential of cloud technologies.
Cyber impacts on us all. However, for most non-cyber leaders the deeper meaning of ‘cyber’ remains a mystery. While the risk of threat may be recognised, the impact is often hard to understand or appreciate. Deloitte’s podcast series, Demystifying Cyber, attempts to demystify cyber for business executives and non-cyber professionals, and raise the awareness on potential cyber threats and how to avoid or overcome them.
In this podcast Deloitte’s Tech Manager Felipe Piccirilo, Cyber & Risk Advisory Manager Anu Laitila, AI & Strategy analytic Senior Manager Dean Rahman and Tech, Strategy & Transformations Partner Mira Sallamo discuss the six emerging technology trends demonstrating that in an age of generative machines, it’s more important than ever for organizations to maintain an integrated business strategy, a solid technology foundation, and a creative workforce.