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ESG Tech

Deloitte supports clients catalyzing the potential of technology in achieving organizational and ecosystem sustainability targets. 

With the use of innovative & emerging technologies, core data and technology platforms and enabling capabilities, organizations transition to clean, renewable energy and manage risks related to climate and social change. We help our clients throughout the sustainable IT/Tech journey from strategy to implementation.
  • Sustainable IT maturity, strategy & operating model –enables organizations to understand their technology estates sustainable footprint and capability maturity as well as embed sustainability at core of IT/Technology strategy and operating model.

  • Sustainable business capability analysis –scans the Enterprise Architecture with sustainability and ESG lens and supports prioritization of development initiatives.

  • ESG Data Architectures / Tech Architecture – enables clients to structure their ESG Data and Technology estate, identify possible current gaps, prioritize and find best fit solutions to complement their enterprise application and data portfolio.

SAP Sustainability

Deloitte can support your sustainability-led journey with SAP solutions—from understanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks to business strategy and transformation to management, compliance, and reporting.


Deloitte has an extensive and growing collection of offerings based on SAP technologies—all focused on helping organizations operate more sustainably. Put them all together, and it’s a solid suite that can help leaders respond to strategic priorities across the enterprise.

Leverages SAP Integrated Business Planning and greenhouse gas emissions data to add the “carbon dimension” to planning and the supply chain—integrating indirect and direct product CO2e emissions, such as those from purchased materials as well as energy, production activities, and transportation

Integrates data from multiple SAP and non-SAP solutions, including financial data, to provide a robust engine for understanding where you stand on your sustainable development goals (SDGs) and what specific changes could mean for your business—all delivered via an intuitive cloud-accessible dashboard

Acquires and harmonizes ecological information along the value chain to enable standardized sustainability reporting, benchmarking, simulations, predictions, and optimizations