Siirry pääsivulle

Tax Sustainability

Companies are increasingly faced with tax sustainability demands. Pressure from investors and other stakeholders is continuous concerning, for example, publicized information on tax payment, tax strategy and tax practices and responsibilities. We help our customers with tax sustainability issues from setting a strategy to practical implementation.

Our comprehensive range of services covers:


  • Tax Strategy – tax sustainability support for leadership and decision-makers (i.e., board members), support for drafting tax policy and strategy, benchmark studies


  • Tax governance – tax in risk management processes and services related to tax liability consequences


  • Tax sustainability reporting assistance – i.e., standards and tax footprint as well as regulatory assistance, public CbC and ETR reporting, DAC6, environmental taxation


  • Tax due diligence services – alignment and response to investors and banks expectations and requirements, approach to taxes, tax sustainability reporting status, tax sustainable supply / distributor chain, commitment to taxes being paid where economic value is created (e.g., TP model).


  • Post-transaction services – using the information learned during the tax due diligence in assisting the client with drafting a road map on how to satisfy the current expectations in the market in terms of tax sustainability.


We support clients from the overall new tax strategy formulation considering all the above as well as conducting in-depth internal tax sustainability reviews, assessing internal readiness and process implementation and sustainable supply / distribution chain review and assistance.