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Demystifying Cyber Podcast

Cyber impacts on us all. However, for most non-cyber leaders the deeper meaning of ‘cyber’ remains a mystery. While the risk of threat may be recognised, the impact is often hard to understand or appreciate. Deloitte’s podcast series, Demystifying Cyber, attempts to demystify cyber for business executives and non-cyber professionals, and raise the awareness on potential cyber threats and how to avoid or overcome them.

Guest: Pauliina Hartikainen, Kone -> In this episode, we sit down with Pauliina Hartikainen, Head of Cybersecurity Culture and Awareness at KONE, and host Karthi Pillay, Cyber Risk Leader at Deloitte. For her, building cybersecurity resilience is a journey that requires ongoing effort, a clear mission, and actionable goals. Pauliina also emphasizes the importance of listening, speaking in their language and making the topics relatable.

Guest: David Jiang, Deloitte China -> China has released a number of cyber laws and regulations to control e.g. data sharing and digital assets. How do these laws and regulations affect multinational companies operating in China? Our guest David Jiang, Partner from Deloitte China office, explains these requirements and lists immediate actions for companies operating in China to ensure continuation of their operations

Guest: Sir Rob Wainwright, Deloitte, former Head of Europol -> What does the world of cybercrime look like and how has the game changed in the last years? What happens to the cybercrime proceeds? Our guest Rob Wainwright, Senior Cyber Partner at Deloitte, and former Head of Europol, sheds light on the criminal element of cyber.

Guest: Marco Wirén, Nokia & Neste -> What could business executives and non-cyber professionals do to become more cyber aware? In turn, what should cyber people do to help others understand the complexity and impact of cyber? Our guest Marco Wirén shares his thoughts on what is key to cybersecurity success.

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