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Corporate Law

Where legal meets business

Deloitte Legal provides clients with cross-border and national corporate law guidance on a broad range of Issue arising from day-to-day operational activities.

Deloitte Legal’s Corporate Law practice provides a full range of cross-border and national corporate law services in more than 75 countries, advising clients on complex corporate legal matters related to major business life events and providing guidance on Issue arising from day-to-day operational activities.

Our offering

Businesses continue to need to manage operating costs and tax positions, as well as contain costs. In today’s evolving commercial, economic, and regulatory environment, entity restructuring may help achieve these goals.

Our practitioners have gained substantial experience in managing various multidisciplinary reorganizations, including:

  • Post-merger integrations
  • Legal entity reductions
  • Pre-acquisition restructurings
  • Carve-out restructurings

With increased demands for transparency, failing to comply with corporate governance and sustainability regulations can have a direct and material impact on your business. For listed, regulated, and financial services entities, compliance breaches may also have a negative long-term impact on the success of the business. Our services include legal advice in relation to:

  • (Non) listed entities
  • Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
  • Sustainability reporting and supply chain due diligence
  • Directors’ liability
  • Corporate Governance scan
  • Whistleblower and Board Policies

When entering into new markets or setting up alliances and joint ventures, businesses may need guidance on a broad range of activities, including business start-up requirements, entity trading activities, expansion efforts, dissolving or unwinding a business, or general legal questions on day-to-day operational activities. Deloitte Legal provides support to design tailor-made partnerships to make the most of their opportunities. Examples of our services in this field are:

  • Joint ventures and strategic alliances
  • Trust Office Foundation Structures
  • Large companies’ regime
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Limited partnerships
  • Employee incentive plans
  • Cash pooling arrangements

The legal and regulatory landscape can be complex. Deloitte Legal works with you to assess your current state of compliance and remediate if necessary. Our corporate compliance services include:

  • Corporate maintenance and annual compliance services
  • Drafting board minutes, proxies, and general or special powers-of-attorney
  • Assistance in relation to all kinds of negotiable instruments and credit transactions
  • Drafting NDAs and confidentiality/settlement agreements
  • The review, negotiation, and drafting of all kinds of commercial agreements

Why Deloitte Legal?


  • Global integration: Deloitte Legal operates in more than 75 countries, with practitioners working closely across borders. Supported by a Center of Excellence, Deloitte Legal provides a strategic perspective, helping businesses to meet their local responsibilities and thrive in the global marketplace. Our global presence provides you with a one-stop-shop.
  • Business integration: Deloitte Legal has access to industry specialists and a wide range of professional services spanning strategy, finance, human capital, risk, technology, audit, tax, and, of course, legal, to help tackle the most complex business problems. Our internal cross-business collaboration facilitates the developing of end-to-end solutions.
  • Technology integration: Deloitte Legal employs technology to pioneer innovative legal solutions. It is part of the Deloitte organization, which has collected several technology-related accolades and has a strong track record in providing technology solutions, both through in-house capabilities, and alliances with technology companies. We combine legal skills with innovative service delivery, solution platforms, and intelligent data analysis to find the right solutions for our clients.


  • Strategic agility: Deloitte Legal is a responsive practice, within a network of professionals that can flex and react quickly to change. Pairing strategy with technology to aggregate, organize, and analyze complex data from multiple sources, Deloitte Legal provides the insight to enhance clients’ decision-making process.
  • Operational agility: Deloitte has reshaped many functions with its transformative thinking, which Deloitte Legal applies to reshape the legal departments of businesses. We use technology platforms to collaborate in real time, and to improve operational and process efficiency. We focus on people, process, and technology to help legal departments free up time for what matters, and create additional value for the business.
  • Stakeholder agility: Businesses expect their GC and legal service providers to help them drive business with clear, practical advice, not just “legalese”. Deloitte Legal doesn’t just work for clients, but with clients to develop the right solutions for their business. Understanding the client’s needs and putting a business lens on legal problems enables us to help the GC become a business partner.