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Deloitte advised Saari Partners in the sale of Cervi

Deloitte acted as advisor to Saari Partners in the sale of Cervi to Intera Partners, a growth oriented private equity investor. Cervi is a Finnish company specialized in ventilation, clean indoor air and cooling.


Cervi operates in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and in other Finland’s largest cities and growth centres. The company’s services cover all the work required to maintain, repair, and renovate ventilation systems. In 2021, the company’s turnover was around €16 million.

“It has been our privilege to assist Saari and other shareholders with their exit. We wish best of luck to the next step of the growth journey within energy efficiency and indoor environment solutions”, says Matti Saarimaa, who led the project at Deloitte.

The engagement team consisted of Henrik Wickström, Matti Saarimaa, Leo Lehto and Suvi Vallius.

Deloitte warmly congratulates all parties involved.

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