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Deloitte advised Delete in the sale of shares to Remondis Maintenance & Services International GmbH


We were pleased to serve the owners of Delete Group in the sale of all shares to Remondis.

Delete is a Nordic market leader in Industrial cleaning with a good footprint in Finland and Sweden.

In addition to comprehensive financial and tax vendor due diligence services, our M&A ESG team was involved in preparing a ESG Vendor Due Diligence report. This allowed Buyer candidates to assign value to Deletes commitments to sustainability as well as to prepare for the increased ESG scrutiny in the horizon.

The core project team included Maj-Britt SkoevLars BjörknäsPia StubbLeea Uusi-HautamaaAnne-Maria FlanaganTino HeleniusTerttu Liukko and Ina Vilén as well as several other team members from our Nordic M&A team.

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