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Reimagining government’s workforce experience

Building on the momentum of COVID-19 disruption

Jennifer Rome
Amrita Datar
Caitlin Goodrich
Lisa Danzig

In response to COVID-19, governments demonstrated a remarkable ability to transform how their employees work. Will these changes be temporary, or can they transform the entire workforce experience?

Crisis and opportunity: Two sides of the same coin

ON May 30, 2020, for the first time in history, NASA launched a human commercial space flight in partnership with SpaceX. While that is a feat in itself, what’s truly remarkable is doing it smack in the middle of a global pandemic, with most of the agency teleworking.1 “When I think about all of the challenges overcome—from design and testing, to paper reviews, to working from home during a pandemic and balancing family demands with this critical mission—I am simply amazed at what the NASA and SpaceX teams have accomplished together,” said Kathy Lueders, NASA’s Commercial Crew Programme manager, after the historic launch.2

It is common for government and its workforce to be labelled inflexible. But in response to COVID-19, government at all levels demonstrated a remarkable ability to rapidly and radically transform the way work gets done by millions of its employees. Prior to the pandemic, just 22% of federal employees teleworked for even a single day in 2018, the most recent year for which data is available. Yet virtually overnight, over 75% began working remotely at various agencies and continue to do so effectively.3 The question is whether this experience will be a temporary shift or a catalyst for change.

Many agency leaders are looking beyond returning to the former status quo and evaluating the potential to transform work and the workforce experience and achieve their mission more effectively. The impetus for this change stems from a combination of factors:

  • The close relationship between high-performing organisations and proactive management of workforce experience4
  • Lessons from the current “new model of work” during COVID-19, including greater demand for enhanced agency resilience and agility
  • Desire for greater flexibility as expressed by employees5
  • Increased competition for talent as organisations shift to more flexible work and are more competitive in accommodating different talent needs
  • Renewed calls for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace—combating implicit bias and discrimination, flexibility for working parents and caregivers, etc.

In response to these forces, some government leaders are reimagining both traditional notions of the employee life cycle (from recruitment to separation) as well as enhancements to employee engagement. In July 2020, US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) secretary Robert Wilkie reflected on potential benefits of the pandemic’s impact to work. He talked about continued telework for department workers, which could be further enabled by the expansion of online services, including new types of telehealth facilities potentially located in retail or grocery stores, and continued expansion of electronic health records and IT infrastructure. He also mentioned new legislation to allow higher pay for certain skills and shorter onboarding processes, saying, “That was something that we wanted and, in addition to us reforming the way we hire, I think it’s going to make the VA much healthier.” The department has added over 18,000 hires (more than half nurses) in just seven weeks.6

This type of holistic, multidimensional change is what is meant by transforming the workforce experience. It goes beyond the work and the workplace to encompass the relationships employees have with people (other employees, customers, and other stakeholders), technology, the organisation, and their own well-being (figure 1). Further, “workforce” is intended to include not just full-time employees but also part-time employees, contractors, consultants, gig workers, and crowdsourced talent.7

Many of the orthodoxies we have come to accept as the norms of work are being challenged by current events (figure 2). Virtually every aspect of the workforce experience has the potential to be reshaped.8

The willingness of leaders, legislators, employees, unions, and citizens to consider and adapt to these challenges—whether relaxing and passing regulations, or fast-tracking hiring—is higher now as events and responses are in flux. As governments move from responding to the pandemic through to recovery and on to a new steady state, that willingness may fade.9 There is a window of opportunity now. Organisations are capitalising on this moment to dramatically change how they operate. Not doing so could mean being less competitive to attract and retain the highest talent.

The many facets of workforce experience

The burning issue for many leaders today is, “How should we treat telework?” But telework is only one of many important workforce experience issues that should be addressed. The examples shown in figure 3 and discussed below are not exhaustive, but they illustrate the range of issues that are as much about mission success as employee engagement. In each case, agencies may find they have more options and opportunities for action than traditional orthodoxies might suggest.

Places: What should we do with regard to telework?

Survey data from employees across the federal government found that nearly 80% did not feel safe returning to work, 10 and 70% of federal employees who telework said they were more productive while teleworking during the pandemic. 11 On the flipside, there are concerns around virtual meeting fatigue, data security, and the loss of line-of-sight supervision and spontaneous interactions. Leaders in government are wrestling with key questions around telework and its role in the future. 12

Over time, the answer for organisations shouldn't be a binary return to the workplace or telework. Instead, there exists the opportunity for 'adaptable workplaces' that support the notion that people and teams should work where they are most productive, depending on the task. In such a hybrid setup, systems and processes designed for a purely in-office model—whether it’s performance management processes, technology, or employee well-being initiatives—might not be as effective.

Some government agencies are taking bold action, committing now to expanding telework in the future. For example, VA decided not to renew some of its office space leases because people will permanently work remotely. 13 The US Department of Defence has recognised the benefits of telework, having expanded its remote work capabilities to almost 1 million personnel through its Commercial Virtual Remote collaboration environment. 14 According to Chief of Navy Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell, “Telework certainly removes distractions. Teleworking has helped us be very efficient and very productive, and I think it’s true for the entire Navy that … how we manage and lead our workforce will be different to pre-COVID.” 15 The Defence Information Systems Agency and the Air Force are exploring classified telework pilots, 16 and the National Security Agency is taking the rare step of identifying less-sensitive work that can be done remotely to support telework in the future. 17 These examples highlight the relationship between the employee and the places work occurs.

People: How can we foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace?

Racial inequity is far from new, but the global pandemic and several recent instances of violence towards Black people in the United States have illuminated racial disparities and reignited a national dialogue for meaningful racial justice reforms. 18 Acknowledging and addressing any potential areas of racial bias or discrimination in the workplace is a critical piece of this.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion practises are associated with a trusting climate that, in turn, fosters employee engagement. 19 Focusing on these principles can improve teaming, coaching, and the relationship employees have with those they work with on a day-to-day basis. Some agencies are actively working to create a more inclusive work environment and foster a sense of belonging, whether it’s through conducting training on implicit bias, taking steps to improve the diversity of hiring, or convening discussions around these issues.

Mirembe Nantongo, deputy assistant secretary at the US Department of State’s Bureau of Global Talent Management, uses a metaphor to describe diversity and inclusion: “Diversity is an invitation to a party, but there is a second part of it: Once you have your people in your party room, for example, what kind of a time are they having? Are they participating? Do they feel valued? Are they contributing? These are all kinds of questions that arise after you have them in the room.” The department launched a Meritorious Service Increase pilot programme that anonymises merit-based pay increase nominations to make those decisions gender-neutral. 20 Similarly, Defence Secretary Mark Esper banned the use of photographs when discussing promotion cases for officers and service members. The Department of Defence is also reviewing its hairstyle and grooming policies for potential racial bias. 21

In a similar vein, NASA’s Unity Campaign, launched last September, has gained momentum during the pandemic and anti-racism protests. As a part of the initiative, NASA has sought employee feedback and convened conversations to inform a new diversity and inclusion plan. In July, the agency added inclusion as a fifth element to its NASA values of teamwork, safety, excellence, and integrity. “We’re taking a look at our staffing and our hiring practises to ensure that there are no built-in barriers or adverse impacts,” says Steve Shih, NASA’s associate administrator for diversity and equal employment. 22 These examples highlight the relationship between the employee and the people they work with.

Work: How can we make work and the workforce more agile in the face of disruption and serve customer needs?

With traditional management and leadership culture turned upside-down with the absence of in-person supervision, levers such as motivation, trust, communication, and leading by example are more important than ever. At the same time, keeping up with rapidly rising caseloads and customer requests—increasingly in a remote work setup—has been overwhelming for the workforce, pushing workers to quickly adapt to new situations and rapidly learn.

Training and reskilling employees can help agencies to meet unmet needs. For example, reskilled employees trained in robotic process automation at the General Services Administration have built 40 bots across the agency’s business functions to support data reporting, migration and entry, and other rule-based manual tasks, increasing capacity by more than 90,000 hours. 23 This example emphasises the connexion between employees, their work, and how they are equipped to do it .

Well-being: How can we boost employee retention and well-being?

While attracting and hiring employees can be challenging, retaining them is equally so—and critical. Creating employee support systems, training and upskilling opportunities, and investing in employee growth through rotation programmes can improve job satisfaction, thereby improving retention. For example, the US Army is using a talent marketplace that places officers in positions based on their skills and interests, and the needs of various commands. This was designed to give soldiers a greater degree of control and autonomy in the decision-making process and their career paths. 24

Well-being also encompasses employee health and wellness. Consider the example of the county of San Mateo, which has a robust employee health and wellness programme. The programme provides grants to departments to improve wellness among their staff. Wellness champions throughout the organisation meet monthly to review policies and drive wellness efforts throughout the agency. These wellness programmes have resulted in a significant improvement in the health and well-being of employees as evidenced by a drop in absenteeism and improving health indicators, such as cholesterol scores, blood pressure, and total weight. A back-health programme resulted in a 250% return on investment. 25

Since the pandemic exposed the fragility of our work lives—growing exhaustion and stress due to the struggle to balance personal and professional demands—many employers and employees are assigning greater value to well-being, both physical and mental. Government agencies have also been taking steps to help employees cope—whether it’s the Social Security Administration (SSA) offering flexible work hours to care for children and family, or the US Agency for International Development’s 14-week employee support campaign featuring a series of communications that includes tips and tricks to incorporate well-being into the work day. 26 The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has also found creative ways—virtual themed chats, book clubs, recipe-sharing calls—to help employees build connexions, fight isolation, and bond even while working remotely. 27 These examples highlight the focus on employees’ well-being.

Organisation: How can I hire top talent and meet critical skill set needs?

Whilst government might not be able to compete with the private sector on pay or compensation when hiring, there are other attributes it can tap into to differentiate itself - offering job seekers a sense of purpose or mission focus, varied work experiences, work/life balance, and flexibility. Making mission and culture a selling point during recruiting can go a long way. For example, when the US Department of Homeland Security was recruiting cyber professionals, it saw greater success at job fairs when focus was on the purpose and impact of the role, agency culture, and candidate fit rather than the technical aspects of cyber. Since the pandemic started, the department has shifted to webinars and virtual hiring events to highlight its departmentwide mission and job opportunities. 28

At the same time, government agencies are trying to bring greater flexibility into traditionally rigid hiring processes - a trend that the pandemic has significantly accelerated. This includes using special hiring authorities to streamline the process and reduce time to hire and turning to remote hiring and onboarding methods. The National Nuclear Security Administration hosted an all-virtual job fair, looking to hire 600 professionals. 29 The Veterans Health Administration has been hiring and onboarding within 12 days, down from about 94 days before the pandemic. 30 These actions address the relationship between the employee and the organisation.

Technology: How can I increase workforce productivity and performance?

US workers were 47% more productive in March and April of 2020 than in the same two months a year earlier. 31 In government too, several agencies, including the US Government Accountability Office, SSA, and USPTO, have observed improved productivity since the pandemic started. 32 But productivity is more than just accomplishing well-defined tasks; it’s also about collaboration and innovation and being able to focus on the work that adds most value. It is important to design future approaches to create time for these activities - and this is where the use of digital collaboration tools and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and analytics can play a role.

For example, Louisiana’s Office of Technology Services introduced robotic process automation to help workers overcome backlogs. These bots have freed up over 630 human hours and cut down completion time by as much as 70% for some tasks. The integration of technology into long-standing human-driven processes is improving the delivery of services to citizens. 33 This example highlights actions taken that focus on the relationship between the employee and the technology that supports them.

The solution: Holistically rethinking your workforce experience

The examples above involve a cross-functional group of stakeholders and solutions: facilities management in telework decisions; departmental managers in surging capacity across departments; senior leaders in rethinking organisational values; finance in funding wellness grants; the IT department in creating and deploying AI and bots; and recruiters and - in the case of VA - new legislation to rethink hiring. How can you cut through this complexity to make informed choices and take timely action?

The answer is two-pronged: Look at workforce issues holistically through the lens of the workforce experience and put employees at the centre.

Bringing a holistic queue of sight across disciplines

Looking at workforce issues as part of the umbrella of workforce experience can bring together different decision-makers across the organisation. Let's revisit the San Mateo County example. While the solution highlighted employee health and well-being most prominently, the county also took action along other dimensions to design a holistic workforce experience. Its focus on culture and experimenting with evidence-based performance management strengthened the organisation relationship, while its use of remote work emphasised the places relationship. This holistic approach has resulted in high employee engagement scores with year-over-year improvement. 34

The six relationships outlined in figure 3 provide a common frame to bring together a wide set of organisational stakeholders. If a mission leader or HR wants to look at telework in today's context, it involves department heads (work), facilities managers (places), and IT (technology). Over the longer term, telework choices have important implications for talent, organisation, and well-being, while also introducing additional issues and stakeholders.

There is no single workforce experience owner in most government organisations; a shared perspective, language, and toolset is likely to enable a smoother path to integrated solutions.

There are multiple choices for how to achieve integrated line of sight across the six dimensions —from setting up a human-centred design team that engages across functions; to the creation of workforce experience governance structures, teams, and processes; to the creation of a workforce experience office. Irrespective of the setup, the second piece of the solution is to make sure that stakeholders from all areas that impact workforce experience (HR, IT, finance, facilities, inclusion, strategy, etc.) are engaged in a design approach that operates from the worker's perspective, not their own.

Putting employees at the centre and using human-centred design

Identifying the moments that matter most to your workforce, by focusing specifically on critical workforce segments and their wants, needs and concerns, is critical given the turmoil that organisations and their workforces have experienced since the pandemic.

Collecting accurate, experience-based insights from employees is table stakes because we are now living in unexplored territory. For example, while it is true that many workers want to expand telework, there are also new challenges that the workforce is facing as a result. With the switch to remote work, we've learnt the workday is nearly an hour longer, with workers staying online longer and email traffic going up. 35 Furthermore, we know there's a unique kind of psychological fatigue associated with being on camera for significant portions of the day. 36 The positive workforce experience dividends emerging from the flexibility of working remotely are being counterbalanced by a longer workday, more emails, video-call fatigue, and competing home priorities such as homeschooling, childcare, and more. Using human-centred design tools and dialogue with the workforce can uncover these insights and propose solutions that address these tensions.

Looking ahead: Elevating workforce experience should be an organisational, not just an HR, priority

Experience is at the heart of the human condition: how we learn, how we live, and what connects us. The unprecedented disruption and moments that we are going through now are defining our collective experience; how organisations and leaders respond to them will shape the workforce experience for years to come.

A positive workforce experience is a goal in and of itself. It is important because it creates the conditions for mission success. Organisations with leaders who have cultivated intentional, dynamic, and inclusive workforce experiences see nearly 20% greater productivity 37 and are more likely to improve efficiency, innovate, and manage change. 38 These organisations serve their customers and constituents more effectively. 39 Now more than ever, workforce experience should be an organisational priority—and government leaders can use this moment of disruption to intentionally rethink the workforce experience.

A well-managed crisis can often serve as a catalyst that breaks through past orthodoxies and helps an organisation evolve to meet the needs of the future. Whether that opportunity is captured will depend on the choices and actions taken in the near term. Do we go back to normal—or do we go forth to better?

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The authors would like to thank Libby Bacon, Mara Patashnik , Matt Garrett , Julie Duda , Mike Jeff , and Laura Martin for their insights. A special thanks to William Eggers and Shruthi Krishnamoorthy for their contributions to this piece.

Cover image by: Traci Daberko

  1. Shweta Modgil, “Focus on people and safety first: Casey Swails, NASA,” People Matters , 19 June 2020.

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  2. NASA, “NASA astronauts launch from America in historic test flight of SpaceX Crew Dragon,” press release, 31 May 2020.

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  3. Partnership for Pubic Service, Go Government, “COVID-19 impact on federal recruiting and hiring,” accessed 24 September 2020.

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  4. Christina Rasieleski and Matthew Deruntz, “High-impact workforce experience: In brief,” Deloitte, 2019.

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  5. PR Newswire, “Vast majority of federal employees who telework say they are more productive and motivated in telework environment according to New Eagle Hill Consulting research,” press release, 14 July 2020.

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  6. Lauren C. Williams, “VA secretary touts department’s telework, telehealth efforts,” Federal Computer Week, 7 July 2020.

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  7. Christina Rasieleski and Matthew Deruntz, Five top findings for elevating workforce experience, Bersin, Deloitte Consulting LLP, 2019.

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  8. William D. Eggers, Pankaj Kishnani, and Shruthi Krishnamoorthy, Transforming government post–COVID-19: How flipping orthodoxies can reinvent government operating models, Deloitte Insights, 15 June 2020.

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  9. William Eggers et al., Governments’ response to COVID-19: From pandemic crisis to a better future, Deloitte Insights, 16 April 2020.

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  10. Eric Wagner, “Survey: Most feds who have been working from home during the pandemic are afraid to return to their offices,” NextGov , 24 August 2020.

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  11. PR Newswire, “Vast majority of federal employees who telework say they are more productive and motivated in telework environment according to New Eagle Hill Consulting research.

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  12. Libby Bacon, Seán Morris, and Nicole Overley, COVID-19 and the virtualization of government: Responding, recovering, and preparing to thrive in the future of work, Deloitte Insights, 28 April 2020.

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  13. Maurita Benjamin (managing director, VA Account, Deloitte), interview with authors, 8 September 2020.

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  14. Frank Konkel, “The pandemic is pushing the Pentagon towards classified telework,” NextGov , August 19, 2020.

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  15. Scott Maucione, “DISA working on improvements to telework, ensuring it’s here to stay,” Federal News Network, August 24, 2020.

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  16. Frank Konkel, “The pandemic is pushing the Pentagon towards classified telework.

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  17. Billy Mitchell, “NSA takes rare steps to support telework, remote work,” Fedscoop, August 7, 2020.

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  18. Deloitte, Support your Black workforce, now: Practical ideas for organisations and leaders to take action, 2020.

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  19. Stephanie N. Downey et al., “The role of diversity practises and inclusion in promoting trust and employee engagement,” Journal of Applied Psychology 45, no. 1 (2015): pp. 35–44.

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  20. Jory Heckman, “State Department: ‘Everyone has a role to play’ in workforce diversity strategy,” Federal News Network , April 15, 2020.

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  21. US Department of Defence, “Secretary Mark T. Esper provides update on department efforts to address diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in the military services,” news release, July 15, 2020.

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  22. Nicole Ogrysko, “NASA’s unity campaign takes on new meaning during pandemic, protests,” Federal News Network , August 6, 2020.

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  23. Stephanie Kanowitz, “GSA bot builders add workforce capacity,” GCN , April 1, 2020.

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  24. Scott Maucione, “Army’s talent management marketplace can improve family life too,” Federal News Network , June 4, 2020.

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  25. Bersin, “Case study: County of San Mateo takes a holistic approach to workforce experience,” accessed 24 September 2020.

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  26. Deloitte Insights, 2020 Deloitte Human Capital Trends: Government & public services insights, 2020.

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  27. Brandi Vincent, “Federal managers should model self-care for their employees,” NextGov , 5 June 2020.

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  28. Barbara George, “Refreshing government’s approach to decreasing the cyber workforce gap,” Federal News Network , 23 April 2019.

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  29. Tom Temin, “NNSA holding virtual job fair to fill 600 positions,” Federal News Network , 24 August 2020.

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  30. Nicole Ogrysko, “VA’s pandemic hiring spree continues, but Congress wishes reforms could have taken place years ago,” Federal News Network, 2 July 2020.

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  31. Jon Swartz, “Work-from-home productivity pickup has tech CEOs predicting many employees will never come back to the office,” MarketWatch , 30 May 2020.

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  32. David Thornton, “GAO finds employee productivity is increasing from home,” Federal News Network , June 18, 2020; Brandi Vincent, “How USPTO avoided the strains of pandemic-forced mass telework,” NextGov, July 16, 2020; Nicole Ogrysko, “SSA remains quiet on reopening after 4 months of employee telework,” Federal New Network, July 13, 2020.

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  33. Deloitte Insights, 2020 Deloitte Human Capital Trends.

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  34. Bersin, “Case study: County of San Mateo takes a holistic approach to workforce experience,” accessed September 24, 2020.

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  35. Evan DeFilippis et al., “Collaborating during coronavirus: The impact of COVID-19 on the nature of work,” NBER Working Paper No. 27612, July 10, 2020.

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  36. Liz Fossilien and Molly West Duffy, “How to combat Zoom fatigue,” Harvard Business Review, April 29, 2020.

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  37. Erica Volini et al., Leading the social enterprise: Reinvent with a human focus—2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends, Deloitte Insights, April 11, 2019.

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  38. Bersin, Connecting Workforce Experience with Organisation Goals and the Humanity of Workers, Deloitte Consulting LLP, 2019.

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  39. Kristine Dery and Ina M. Sebastian, “Building business value with employee experience,” MIT CISR Research Briefing 17, no. 6 (2017).

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