Organisations now expect HR not only to be efficient in their delivery of core
services but also to set the talent agenda and to drive performance and engagement.
In today’s competitive and rapidly changing world, HR departments are under tremendous pressure. In addition to the daily responsibilities of hiring, training and retaining employees, HR increasingly fulfils a strategic function. Meanwhile, changing employee expectations must be balanced with the need to control costs and increase productivity.
To help HR departments manage these challenges, Deloitte Human Resources Outsourcing offers an array of flexible solutions. Operational HR assistance at the client’s premises can cover all functionalities across the HR domain: from short-term, ad-hoc support to fully outsourced (co-sourced) solutions, staffed with HR professionals carefully selected and trained by Deloitte.
Almost any organisation can at some point benefit from an HR Outsourcing solution. They include large or medium-sized companies, rapidly growing organisations, or non-profits looking to rapidly professionalise their HR functions.
Alternatively, our HR & Outsourcing team can provide structural solutions based on a co-sourcing approach. This is a long term collaboration where together we are responsible for the success of the project. While outsourcing can suggest that a company is ceding control of its processes to an external party, our co-sourcing solutions emphasise the involvement of both parties.
Your organisation is in a transition.
You are recruiting a permanent employee, but meanwhile the job has to be done.
You must replace someone during an absence due to illness, maternity leave or secondment to a specific project.
You need the on-site assistance of an HR expert to drive and implement change.
You are setting up a new HR department or integrating multiple departments during a merger or acquisition.
You have a workload peak, such as a performance-review period or recruitment campaign.
You need on-site operational assistance along with the advising consultants during major HR systems or transformation project.
You temporarily need specific HR knowledge for a particular operational focus.