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Enabling meaningful change

We provide trusted First Nations expertise to Government, private sector and community- based clients; designing and delivering policies, programs, and services to improve outcomes for First Nations peoples and communities. 

About yamagigu

Yamagigu Consulting is the largest First Nations consulting business in Australia, bringing together market leading First Nations expertise coupled with Deloitte’s global professional services to support the self-determination of First Nations communities.

A Wiradyuri word, “yamagigu” translates to ‘our purpose is to go with you’ and encapsulates our spirit of partnership and shared journey. 

We exist to enable meaningful change by providing valued professional services underpinned by our core principles of Truth, Respect and Self Determination to help support wellbeing,  prosperity and independence.

As a Supply Nation certified Indigenous business, yamagigu is majority owned, managed, and staffed by First Nations people with a passionate belief that First Nations peoples should have an opportunity to fulfill their aspirations.

Our services

What makes us unique…? We see and experience the world differently - through a First Nations lens. We engage and understand through lived experience and provide solutions informed by First Nations knowledges and perspectives that have endured and adapted over tens of thousands of years.  

We work alongside businesses, Government, and communities to tackle complex commercial, environmental, and societal issues to design and deliver improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. 


Economic Prosperity  

To work with our public, private and community sector clients to identify, create and implement greater opportunities for economic participation and building prosperity at an individual, community and national level.


Digital Transformation & Innovation

Bringing Aboriginal ways of knowing, doing and being to the fore in designing leading edge products, platforms and programs for First Nations peoples and communities.


Systems Change & Implementation

Through policy and program design, implementation, review and evaluation, we bring a culturally informed perspective to enable effective change.