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Automotive Market Intelligence

Drawing on ProfitFocus™ data and industry insights, the Deloitte Motor Industry Services team analyse the trends, pressure points and opportunities affecting the motor industry today.

Motor Industry Updates, Dealer Profitability, and Industry Benchmark Insights and Reports

With over 1,800 contributing dealers across Australia and New Zealand - we give you the hard numbers every month that reveal dealer profitability and industry benchmarks.

From the big issues, such as the current global economy, down to the fine detail, such as how the latest technology could impact your parts business, we give you the insights which will help you take advantage of the opportunities in the industry today.

Market Intelligence Reports and Insights

Click through the below sections to read the latest reports

The latest data available for cars in Australia and New Zealand, motorcycles and trucks.

Car Benchmarks – Australia

Car Benchmarks - New Zealand

Motorcycle Benchmarks

Truck Benchmarks