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Maintaining control in the cloud

Developing and managing an effective cloud strategy

Cloud has most definitely arrived and is here to stay as a key element of corporate strategy – not just IT strategy. Since it became widely available a decade ago, cloud computing has reached a level of maturity and usefulness that many company executives never imagined. Many large organisations now have a “cloud first” strategy, meaning that with any IT project they look to the cloud before considering the in-house or traditional outsourcing alternatives. Whether public, private or hybrid, cloud offers many benefits. Requiring no capital investment, it is pay-as-you-go, it is tax efficient and its elasticity means it can quickly adjust to meet fluctuating demand.

Despite the level of maturity shown – in adoption, benefits and technology – using the cloud is not straightforward. Even though a large part of the IT function is now handed over to a cloud service provider (CSP), users still bear the ultimate risks and responsibilities if things go wrong, so they must stay in control.

If you would like to discuss any of these matters in detail please do get in touch with your Deloitte partner or either of our risk and cyber specialists.

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