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Industry 4.0 Readiness Report

Industry 4.0: At the intersection of readiness and responsibility Deloitte Global’s annual survey on business’s preparedness for a connected era

On 20 January, Deloitte Global's third annual Readiness Report was released at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. The 2020 report, entitled “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: At the intersection of readiness and responsibility,” shines a light on how traditional business objectives, transformational technologies, evolving skills, and growing obligations to the greater good come together and cut across one another. The survey of C-suite executives across 19 countries examines how leaders are capitalizing on advanced technologies while acting in more socially responsible ways, particularly in the area of environmental stewardship.

Among this year’s findings, nearly seven in 10 executives believe that long-term business success requires the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into their operations. But even more—nine in 10—expect climate change to have a negative impact on their organizations. That’s a reminder that the Fourth Industrial Revolution isn’t the only huge challenge weighing on the minds of the world’s business leaders—and those other looming concerns could radically alter how businesses adapt their strategies and activities going forward. 

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