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Crunch time series Dynamic Finance

Transforming Finance from function to dynamic capability

Hold on. What do you mean by Dynamic Finance?


dy·nam·ic | \ dī-′na-mik \

1 a: a force or factor that influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity: a dynamic force or factor
b: marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change: kinetic; a dynamic city

As organisations work to become “exponential enterprises”—they’re coming to understand that the capacity to change enables an organisation’s ability to compete and win.
This agility becomes their competitive and strategic advantage. This requires simplified and standardised processes, a foundation of innovative and enabling technologies, and a highly skilled and technically fluent workforce. A Dynamic Finance capability evolves to win, is always ready, and looks at every disruption as an opportunity.

The principles of Dynamic Finance

Dynamic Finance is a new way of operating. We have defined a set of principles to help Finance leaders better understand how to transform Finance from business function to dynamic capability—while still performing its steward and operator duties.

The principles of Dynamic Finance

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