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Better Futures. Together.

Every day we make billions of choices.
Every day we hear billions of voices—for change.
Let’s rethink, reinvent and reimagine how we can build a more sustainable world, together.

Our professionals in action

This Earth Month and year-round, Deloitte professionals support their local communities through environmental initiatives—in person and virtually. Here is a sampling of current volunteer opportunities.

It is imperative for boards to be grounded in purpose and be vigilant about holding management accountable to do the same. In other words, board members should set the tone for organisations from various aspects including culture underpinned by values, ethics, purpose and trust. Given the turbulent business environment, boldly upholding trust and setting a trust culture by being transparent through enhanced reporting will set us on a path to a more sustainable and equitable future from a societal perspective.

Over Earth Month 2023, Deloitte Africa committed to driving change by encouraging engagement and sharing knowledge under the theme "Building Better Futures Together." With a focus on making an impact that matters by changing behaviour and increasing environmental consciousness.

We believe it is crucial to devote time, energy, and resources to the increasing environmental crisis we face as a global community. That is why we developed the WorldClimate strategy to drive responsible climate choices within our organisation and beyond.

Earth Month is one of our signature climate initiatives, and we are proud to join the global movement in making a measurable impact that matters. The month was filled with opportunities for Deloittians to learn, share knowledge within communities, deliver meaningful actions through river and beach clean-ups, meaningful donations, and planting trees. Resulting in almost 6,000 trees planted and commitments made by thousands of people across the firm's Africa network.

UK: Deloitte UK practitioners in Southeast UK provide hands-on help to a farm owned by the Soil Association. They are helping the farm transition to sustainable agriculture practices and regenerative farming. 

 Singapore: At the Edible Garden City (EGC) Queenstown Farm, Deloitte Singapore volunteers plant, prune, weed, and maintain the urban farm, and learn to grow their own food. EGC champions sustainable, pesticide-free growing practices at food gardens across Singapore. 

  Contact Deloitte Global Sustainability to learn more.

Spain: Deloitte Spain Financial Advisory professionals support Cáritas through the RE Fashion project, an initiative that promotes reducing waste by textile recycling and enables employment for at-risk populations.  

Contact Deloitte Global Sustainability to learn more.

Australia: Deloitte Australia people volunteer with Clean Up Australia to preserve bushlands, nature reserves, waterways and parks by picking up litter and waste in these natural habitats.    

Japan: Deloitte Japan professionals support the Arakawa River Clean-aid Forum. They collect trash in the river, capture data for the International Coastal Cleanup Campaign, and learn about the ecological impacts of plastic waste in rivers and oceans.  

Canada: As part of EARTHDAY.ORG’s Great Global Cleanup, Deloitte Canada people volunteer with organisations such as Back to the Sea, OceanWise, City of Calgary, and Metro Vancouver Parks to protect and support local habitats.  

Contact Deloitte Global Sustainability to learn more.

S-LATAM: Deloitte S-LATAM professionals volunteer with the Regional Business Competition promoted by Yo Emprendedor. They train, advise, mentor, and share their networks with climate enterprises in Central America. 

Contact Deloitte Global Sustainability to learn more.

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