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Hannah Marais

Associate Director | Chief Economist | Deloitte Africa

Hannah is  a Senior Associate Director in Financial Advisory where she leads the South Africa Economic Advisory practice. She is also Deloitte Africa's Acting Chief Economist. Until end 2023, Hannah led the firm’s Insights portfolio, producing research-based thought leadership across Africa. Hannah has also previously led Knowledge Management for Deloitte Africa.

Over the last 18 years, Hannah has worked with corporate and government leaders, providing research, analysis and insights that assist in strategy formulation and implementation in Africa and emerging markets. She works across Deloitte Africa delivering on client engagements that include macro and microeconomic research, analysis and insights, and has led various projects and initiatives across sectors for the firm.

Hannah has previously been visiting faculty at the University of Stellenbosch Business School and has lectured at various local and international business schools. Hannah has also led and facilitated international trade, investment and research delegations into Africa, Asia and Europe.

She is a regular guest speaker at local and international thought leadership events and a contributor to various publications, focusing on Africa’s economic and commercial development.

Hannah holds a MComm degree in Economics (cum laude) from the University of Stellenbosch.

Prior to joining Deloitte in 2015, Hannah was one of the co-founders and a director at Frontier Advisory.

Hannah is married to Hannes and they have two children, Isabella (5) and Joshua (2).