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About Deloitte in Zimbabwe

In the Republic of Zimbabwe, Deloitte operates as Deloitte & Touche (Zimbabwe). Deloitte & Touche (Zimbabwe) is a part of Deloitte Africa. Deloitte Africa is a member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), a UK private company limited by guarantee.

A year of connection, action and impact

Through the past year, Deloitte found new ways to maintain connections – the lifeblood of our organisation – and developed measures to strengthen those connections, quantify our impact in Africa and advance societal progress.

Deloitte named the leader in Global Risk Management Services

The Gartner report, entitled Magic Quadrant for Global Risk Management Consulting Services 2014 shows Deloitte holds an uncontested position in the upper right quadrant, distinctly ahead of six other global risk consulting firms, including all of the other Big 4.

Deloitte Zimbabwe: Transparency report 2015

Deloitte Zimbabwe or one of its affiliated entities is the Zimbabwean member firm (collectively, the "Firm") of the Deloitte Network. The "Deloitte Network" is comprised of firms that are members of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, an English company limited by guarantee ("DTTL").

The state of mining in South Africa

Opportunity lost or light at the end of a tunnel?

Deloitte Zimbabwe: Transparency Report 2016

Deloitte Zimbabwe or one of its affiliated entities is the Zimbabwean member firm (collectively, the "Firm") of the Deloitte Network. The "Deloitte Network" is comprised of firms that are members of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, an English company limited by guarantee ("DTTL").

Luxury brands turn to Africa as the next growth frontier - Deloitte

Sub-Saharan Africa has been identified as a promising market for luxury goods as urbanisation, economic development and increased affluence among the expanding middle class drive growth across the sector.


Financial Services Industry

The Deloitte Global Financial Services Industry Practice consists of three service lines namely: FSI Audit, Capital Markets, Actuarial and Insurance Solutions (AIS).


Auditing is a highly complex process, and the importance of auditors as a vital link in the financial reporting chain has never been more important nor their role as trusted advisors more valued. The global network of Audit and Enterprise Risk Services professionals at Deloitte member firms provide a range of audit and advisory services to assist clients in achieving their business objectives, managing their risk and improving their business performance—anywhere in the world.

Corporate finance advisory services

We providing advice & insights at every stage of a transaction with our collaborative and integrated approach to all projects and transactions, and our extensive experience of the marketplace, we are able to deliver a successful solution to you, effectively maximising value and reducing risks, no matter how complex the deal.

Consumer Business

Our vision is to deliver quality, value-driven solutions to organisations; solutions that are geared towards helping them navigate through the vast complexities of the consumer business industry. By providing efficient strategic solutions we are committed to helping businesses adapt to the ever changing needs of consumers.