The technology industry has largely thrived over the past two years, but is that momentum sustainable? To enable the next wave of growth, technology companies should rededicate their efforts to improving transparency, agility, collaboration, sustainability, and digital innovation. Learn more about these key focus areas in our 2022 technology industry outlook.
When the pandemic began two years ago, it catapulted many organizations into the future, rapidly accelerating digital transformation. Work environments changed overnight as remote work became commonplace and market demands evolved. Deloitte urged technology organizations to upgrade their supply chains for greater transparency and resiliency and to embrace cloud, everything-as-a-service (XaaS), and edge intelligence to ramp up their transformation efforts.
As 2021 began and many supply networks struggled, we advised technology industry leaders to reexamine where and how manufacturing happens and to focus on improving transparency, flexibility, and resiliency. We also suggested that organizations reorient and reskill their workforces in order to optimize remote work capabilities and take full advantage of advanced technologies such as AI.
At the start of 2022, many of these issues remain front and center for technology companies, with one important difference: Leaders now have an opportunity to address these challenges more deliberately and purposefully. Instead of managing an immediate crisis, they can lay solid foundations for future innovation and growth.
Some of the specific themes we see playing a foundational role in 2022 and beyond include:
Download the full report to learn more about the impacts of technology industry trends, key actions to take, and critical questions to ask.
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