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Africa Construction Trends Report 2019

Capital projects in a digital age

We are pleased to release the 2019 edition of the Africa Construction Trends (ACT) report, which includes 452 projects valued at US$50m or above, that had broken ground by 1 June 2019. In total, these projects are worth US$497bn. As done each year, the report includes continental, regional and sectoral capital project trends and also reveals who builds, owns and funds these projects across Africa.

Key takeouts from this report 

This year’s thematic section is focused on capital projects in a digital age and is based on project owners’ perspectives of their current digital transformation strategies, readiness and application of digital technologies across the capital projects lifecycle, and contextualising this with global trends.

Digital transformation provides a range of benefits that improve safety, efficiency, Return on Investment (ROI) and assurance that projects will achieve the outlined socioeconomic objectives set out for them from the start. Technology has advanced such that the barriers of high cost of entry and a very physical value chain are no longer protection against disruption. However, unless strategically planned, the investment in digital can be costly, time and resource-intensive and with benefits only attainable several years down the line. Projects require a strong digital strategy and solid data foundation to succeed, as this considers an organisation’s current digital maturity and provides an achievable roadmap to adopt and sustain key technologies.

Digital tools and technologies should add value throughout the project journey and should build on previous successful initiatives. It is just as important to develop the team’s digital skills as it is to roll out new technology. While the journey can be complex, a successful outcome can be characterised very clearly and simply by:

  • A data-driven approach from day one that runs throughout everything and everyone in the project
  • An innovation process that tests the value and opportunities of technology in an ongoing and agile way, backed by a sustainable strategy that recognises the evolving nature of technology
  • A digital mindset that permeates teams, culture and working practices within capital projects.

How can Deloitte help?

Deloitte teams have advised on many of the world’s largest and most complex Infrastructure and Capital Projects (I&CP) and have extensive experience in taking our clients through a journey of digital transformation. Our teams advise clients across the lifecycle of an infrastructure asset and other large capital projects, enabling investors, project developers, project owners and operators in both the public and private sectors to take every step with confidence. With a presence in 34 countries and service to 51 countries, Deloitte Africa is well positioned and understands the nuances of doing business in Africa.

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