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Grants and Incentives

In light of COP26 and the recent energy crisis, governments around the world are seeking to move towards a net zero carbon economy. This is starting to be driven by a range of grants and incentives to encourage changes in economic activity. The range of initiatives is wide ranging, from ground breaking R&D to the installation of capital equipment to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Many governments, including the UK, have already started mobilising unprecedented funds to support the creation of thousands of green jobs as their economies transit to net zero.

Identifying the appropriate grant or incentive scheme, developing a compelling case for grant and complying with the requirements for managing a funded project can be complex and time consuming. The Deloitte UK Grants practice has more than 35 years of experience in providing grant advice in the UK. We have a 95% success record on UK grant applications.

Supporting all phases of your project

We are able to provide support throughout the grant process. This can include:

Through our detailed knowledge of the schemes we are able to provide a clear understanding of the merits of different grant funding routes. This will be linked to the future (typically next three years) investment priorities and results in a tailored summary of grant opportunities. This is important as some schemes are influenced by size of company, sector, scale of investment, and location of the project. We understand what this means in practice. 

With a successful 35 year history in grant delivery we understand what the grant providers are looking for and can help to position a project effectively. 

We can assist to gather and position information to support an application and help check that all elements of the application are consistent with your key messages. 

We provide a full hand-holding service that includes pre-meeting briefings and support to help ensure the application proceeds smoothly. Our role doesn’t end with the grant submission but continues up to and beyond the time when a formal grant offer letter is received. 

Once the grant offer letter is received, we will advise on any terms and conditions within the grant offer letter.