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Manage: TP Documentation

The international transfer pricing governance lifecycle

Having a globally consistent view of your tax data is a continuous challenge for leaders of multinational companies. We leverage best practices to help you develop an effective framework that will increase the global consistency of your transfer pricing data across all of your operations.

The days of writing a long one-off transfer pricing report to leave on the shelf, only to pull off in the event that there is a tax audit are past.

Transfer Pricing compliance requirements are now many and detailed with annual requirements to have written documentation in place and for filings to be made.  For many global businesses this can result in a time consuming exercise to meet local annual requirements without clarity on whether this is managing risk, a lack of consistency in what is being said to different tax authorities and inefficient manual processes.

Deloitte has developed a methodology which navigates these requirements through the use of a modular approach to drive consistency and efficiency, country risk assessment to focus effort on the right areas.