Deloitte provides an innovative suite of technology tools that can help businesses with consistency of approach, clarity on the requisite action required, and confidence in the outcome:
Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting
BEPS Action 13 requires large groups to file a new Country-by-Country (CbC) report. Collating the data and assessing the potential impact of CbC on tax authorities’ TP risk assessment is often complex.
Deloitte tax tools: CDX, CDX Smart, CbC Insite Smart
Modelling GTR Impact
Companies need to assess the impact of BEPS Actions 2 and 4 on their financing and treasury strategies and Actions 7 and 8-10 on TP strategies. These Actions could impact a group's Effective Tax Rate (ETR) and potentially the business model and tax risk profile, leading to the need to inform key stakeholders.
Deloitte tax tools: Digital Global ST2EPS (DGS)
Reflecting your TP Model in Reported Numbers
In light of BEPS related changes, companies need to review TP policies and strategies as well as confirm that their TP model is reflected accurately in local entity accounts and tax returns.
Deloitte tax tools: TP Insite Smart
New TP Documentation Obligations
Action 13 creates an obligation for a new TP Master File and increases focus on Local TP Files.
Deloitte tax tools: Value Chain Analytics Tool (VCAT), TP Digital Dox
Download the overview, "Global Tax Reset - Clarity Through Technology", to learn more about Deloitte GTR technology tools.