Approaches to managing third parties have generally failed to keep pace with rapidly expanding third-party networks and their role in organisational success. Meanwhile, most organisations have increased their dependence on third parties, which now include not only suppliers of goods and services but also affiliates and joint venture partners, R&D organisations and sales channels, among others. In organisations that rely heavily on third parties, up to 80 percent of direct and indirect operating costs and 50 to 100 percent of revenues can be attributable to third-party relationships, based on Deloitte analysis with data compiled from research carried out by the Institute of Collaborative Working, Hiperos and Deloitte.
and use ad hoc processes within functional siloes to implement individual programs rather than standardised co-ordinated processes. As a result, the organisation fails to gain significant synergies or connectivity across applications related to sourcing, procurement, risk management, contract life cycle management, ongoing monitoring and other TPM activities.
Many organisations get to the “developing” stage but then struggle to advance further in being able to integrate their TPM systems. Deloitte can assist such organisations with a smarter way to accelerate the journey to TPM integration using technologies such as UI and UX together with an analytics layer to overcome this barrier. This integrated approach can then be further enhanced by complementing it with a managed services platform where appropriate.