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Third Party Integrity Due Diligence (IDD)

Deloitte’s established and proven Third Party IDD solutions help clients to overcome the hurdles presented by the legislative requirement to conduct an appropriate level of due diligence on their key third parties around the world.

Increased legislation and regulation, reputational pressures and scrutiny from regulators and law enforcement bodies has meant that companies which rely on a network of third parties for the success of their business – including agents, distributors and key suppliers – may face the daunting prospect of conducting an appropriate level of background checking on hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands, of their third parties.

We have extensive experience of helping clients to identify and mitigate the potential bribery and corruption risks presented by third parties – as well as other operational and reputational issues – through the gathering of independent information (‘Background Checking’, Integrity Due Diligence, or IDD). Deloitte works with our clients to design the most appropriate, efficient and cost effective solution, offering a flexible methodology. The various risk-focused tiers of our Third Party IDD solution include the use of automated public record screening and monitoring tools, researcher-led information gathering, and in-depth consultation with human sources in the relevant industry.


Our experience

Deloitte has helped clients from a wide range of industries to manage the risks presented by their extensive networks of third party relationships, and to date we have conducted Third Party IDD on tens of thousands of entities and individuals around the world.

Our work has included one-off remediation exercises on existing third parties to help bring our clients in line with current anti-bribery guidance, as well as longstanding and ongoing IDD projects helping our clients to screen new third parties at the outset of each new relationship.

Deloitte’s approach to IDD combines:

Rather than presenting a ‘one size fits all’ approach to Third Party IDD, we would work with you to deliver a risk-based solution which takes a proportionate, risk-based and cost effective approach to your business needs.

Our corporate intelligence team in the UK speaks more than 40 languages (we cover 80 languages worldwide) to fluent or native level and conducts research on higher risk third parties in the relevant foreign languages, rather than relying on online translation tools (which may misunderstand the nuance of an article).

We draw on various technology solutions to reduce the cost and timeframe of conducting IDD – including the use of automated screening for lower risk third parties, as well as automated monitoring – while still underpinning our approach with human analysis and understanding.

Our proprietary Client Portal can serve as a single collaboration tool on Third Party IDD projects, enabling clients to submit requests, access reports, discuss requirements and keep track of the overall pipeline of requests.

In addition to subscribing to a wide range of ‘global’ databases, Deloitte’s in-house research and intelligence specialists are experts in how to access information from a particular jurisdiction and present it in the correct political and business context.

We ensure our reports are of the greatest possible use to our clients. This includes always seeking to identify the current status of any issues identified, and digging into potential name matches to keep such findings to a minimum.

On those occasions when our Third Party IDD work needs to go beyond the public record, we can draw on our wide-reaching network of external (human) sources across a wide range of industries and jurisdictions.