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Assessing fair value of investment products and services in the UK

Streamline and simplify your value assessment processes

Deloitte Value Assessment Solutions - a team focused on supporting Investment and Wealth management firms navigate their way through the fair value obligations under the Consumer Duty and COLL regimes.

The UK Consumer Duty built on the COLL Value assessment rules, by not only extending the scope of products and services it applies to, but also increased the level of detail required. Manufacturers are now expected to disclose the outcome of value assessments to their distributors.

As of July 31 2023, manufacturers of products and services in scope of the Consumer Duty are expected to have shared value assessment outputs across the distribution chain, and distributors are expected to have conducted analysis and assessment of those outputs to determine their own distribution strategy direct to end customers.

The relatively short timeframe to implement assessments of ‘fair value’ on a bigger scale, and reboot of the distributor target market analysis expectations has meant that many firms are facing increased cost pressure to maintain their value assessment frameworks. We recognise many firms have scaled up resourcing and capacity to deliver the Consumer Duty in a way which may not be sustainable in the long term.

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