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World class risk assurance

Helping you accelerate your journey

World class risk assurance generates higher-quality assurance at a lower cost, delivers greater impact and value across the governance model, and provides actionable insights for the business on how to better manage the risks that really matter.

That’s the message of our previous article, in which we explained how, in theory, your organisation could ‘connect, modernise and digitise' its way to more effective assurance, compliance and risk.

This second article aims to take you one step further on that journey, taking the concept of world class risk assurance and showing how it can be practically implemented to improve your organisation’s whole approach to risk and assurance. Here you’ll find practical advice on how your organisation can get started and the crucial role that technology plays in accelerating the journey.

Why act now?

There’s never been a better time for organisations to transform their approach to risk and assurance. The decreasing cost and increasing accessibility of digital technologies holds tremendous potential for assurance, compliance, and risk management functions.

However, in many organisations, these benefits remain largely unrealised because an enterprise-wide transformation of risk and assurance has yet to occur. The following steps are explained in the publication available on this page, where you will find practical advice on how your organisation can get started on its journey.

  • Step 1: ascertain your position
  • Step 2: make the case for change
  • Step 3: create a roadmap
  • Step 4: recognise the role of technology

Need a hand getting started?

We are happy to help. For example, we could run a diagnostic for you, identifying gaps to address and opportunities to realise cost improvements and better risk insights. This would include a high-level risk and assurance map, proposing a route towards the desired state of integrated maturity, including technology enablement focused on short, medium and longer-term actions.

If you’d like to put the theory into practice and take the first, positive steps to connecting, modernising, and digitising your organisation’s risk and assurance activity, please get in touch.

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